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Thursday, July 07, 2016

Maryland Provides Funding for Life-Saving Body Armor

15 Agencies Receive $49,000 in State Funding

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Larry Hogan today announced that local law enforcement agencies representing every region of Maryland will be receiving state funding to purchase body armor.

“Our brave men and women in uniform go to work every single day facing unknown and often deadly challenges,” said Governor Larry Hogan. “Making sure they have the resources needed to get the job done and then get home safely to their families each night is the least we can do for those who do so much for all of us.”

“Illegal firearms are a significant threat to police officers,” said Glenn Fueston, executive director of the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention. “In the past three decades here in the United States, protective body armor has saved the lives of more than 3,000 police officers. Body armor is critical safety equipment for our law enforcement and corrections officers.”

Funding for the purchase of new or replacement body armor became available on July 1, 2016. Each year, the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention awards body armor grants to different law enforcement agencies. Funding is given to agencies that did not receive a grant the year before. This year, the following jurisdictions will be funded.

Click 'Read More' below to see which county received funds


  1. Wow. Salisbury came out a winner on this one!

  2. Salisbury comes in at #2, under Baltimore in funding, that speaks volumes for how much crime is happening here.

  3. I suppose they did, half as much as Baltimore. Does Salisbury have that many officers?

  4. "We the people" are required to have a special permit to have any body armor.

  5. The police should have had them so;me
    time ago so thanks to the Governor!
    We are at War People, and there are not
    enough cops to stop what started years
    ago to our Country---it's escalading
    to out of control levels!
    Our Government is responsible for
    much that's happening too!

  6. Carroll Community College Office of Public Safety and Security - $1,306

    WTH does a small community college need body armor for??

  7. 3:35
    Probably needs armor to wear under their uniform.
    I would want it if working a movie booth or selling popcorn if wearing a uniform.
    You wouldn't?


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