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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Man Charged With Fraud Launches Pro-Hillary Super PAC

A man who was charged with falsifying documents submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission launched a pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC just days after posting bail.

Cary Peterson, the former CEO of the New Jersey-based microcap company RVPlus, Inc., was arrested by FBI agents at the San Francisco airport in March after fabricating “clean energy” contracts that his company allegedly had with foreign governments.

Peterson launched Democrats Socially United Super PAC on June 16, just one week after posting $6,000 bail at the Essex Country Correction Facility in Newark, according to Federal Election Commission records.

The PAC identifies a man named Alexander Pidgeon as its managing director and treasurer and lists its address in Las Vegas. Peterson is the designated agent and the chief coordinator of the PAC, according to the documents.

Peterson was arrested in March for filing SEC reports in 2012 and 2013 that claimed his company, RVPlus, had a relationship with the United Nations and clean energy agreements worth $2.8 billion with the governments of Haiti, Nigeria, and Liberia, according to the SEC’s complaint. The commission found that the company had no relationship with the United Nations and that the contracts were bogus.

Additionally, Peterson claimed within the filings that RVPlus had issued numerous invoices and was owed millions of dollars on the fake contracts. RVPlus and Peterson gained control of more than 90 percent of the company’s trading shares and handed them over to individuals who sold them on the market.


1 comment:

  1. Isn't that adorable. More of her little criminal friends are rushing out to help their fellow criminal get elected. Doesn't that just warm your heart or what?


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