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Monday, July 18, 2016

Loony Liberal Group Releases Plan to Oust Trump

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) released a 28-page report Friday arguing most of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s governing agenda is unconstitutional, and promises to keep a running tally of all Trump’s policy goals that run afoul of the Constitution.

Titled “The Trump Memos,” the analysis encompasses the New York billionaire’s proposals on immigration, torture, libel, abortion, and government surveillance. It effectively serves as a blueprint for the legal arguments the ACLU would marshall when challenging Trump’s initiatives if elected president.

“Donald Trump’s proposed policies, if carried out, would trigger a constitutional crisis,” ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero wrote Wednesday in the Washington Post. “By our reckoning, a Trump administration would violate the First, Fourth, Fifth and Eighth amendments if it tried to implement his most controversial plans.”

Source: Daily Caller


  1. I'm sure this "LOONY" group isn't receiving any taxpayer dollars to support is "NON-PROFIT" status...

  2. Remember those snotty arrogant brats you hated in high school? They are now the ACLU.

  3. Umm, aren't we already in a Constitutional crisis, one that nobody's doing anything about?

  4. The Clinton machine is trying all methods to produce negative results.

  5. Where's the tally of all of Obamas policies that run afoul of the constitution? Oh, I forgot. Rules don't apply to Democrats. Double standard. Hypocrisy abound!

  6. Their dumb and very stupid types.

  7. If they really cared about violating the Constitution, Obama would have been impeached long ago!

  8. Where have we seen 28 pages mentioned lately?



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