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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Like If You Agree


  1. Want to be the 1st to give a hell yea !

  2. I don't think that I could possibly like it any more than I do!

  3. I've been thinking about this cartoon , I do think Obama and her run a tight race , however Obama has already sold our country and government. I do believe Obama needs jail as well. Anyway Obama committed many more crimes and he is your leader , what say you now.

  4. Obama could be her cell mate.

  5. All freddie gray cops FREEEEEEEE

  6. I would like to see this happen to her and her husband. Instead of a possible book someday it will be like an entire set of encyclopedias, or a 6 volume set of videos and tapes. The surface hasn't been scratched yet.

  7. I am a democrat and no way in hell would I vote for Hillary this term. I cannot for the life of me understand anyone that knowing what she has done and still doing, could vote for her. Wake up, forget voting your party and do not let these liberals continue to destroy our country. I don't know what Trump will do but he cannot do any worse that these last eight years and she is just a continuation of these bad choices and leadership! Please folks, you need to study all she is about and unless you are totally stupid, you will in no way be able to vote for her!!

  8. Can you even imagine what is in the 99.9% of documents that are being withheld from Bill Clinton's presidential papers, which were supposed to be put to public status not later than 12 years after his leaving office? I'm guessing that the information would be staggering in the public's and the congressional eyes.


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