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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Leftist Group to Attempt CITIZEN’S ARREST of Hillary Clinton During Acceptance Speech

The Leftist group DNC Action Committee announced it plans to attempt to make a citizen’s arrest of Hillary Clinton during her acceptance speech of the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination at the party’s convention in Philadelphia Thursday night.

The list of charges crosses party/ideological lines to include election fraud, money laundering through the Clinton Foundation and endangering national security by the exclusive secret use of a private email server for government business during Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State during the first term of the Obama administration.



  1. If she's elected there will be no Citizen's Divorce; we'll be stuck with her.

  2. I just fell off of my computer chair laughing.Letterman would have had a blast with all of the misinformation that came out of the DNC.Everyone else just believes it & runs with it.A UFO just crashed in my yard & I have to go check on the occupants to make sure they're OK.See ya later.

  3. Letterman would have licked it up like the rest of the liberal losers. He iss a sick twisted man!

  4. The only way hillary wins ... She cheats!


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