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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Iowans Hold Bible-Reading Marathon at 50 County Courthouses

The Des Moines Register is reporting that Iowans recently held marathon readings of the Bible on the courthouse lawn in 50 counties.

The readings were organized by Ginny Caligiuri, the director of the Iowa Prayer Caucus. Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad issued a proclamation supporting the day of prayer. The proclamation reads, in part:

WHEREAS, all scripture is essential to prepare us to be the people God wants us to be and to accomplish the purpose for which he created us; and

WHEREAS, America being founded upon biblical principles and Judeo-Christian ethics, as taught in the Bible, paid tribute to the Bible for its important influences upon the development of our nation by many of our great national leaders such as presidents Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, Wilson…

WHEREAS lawmakers, law enforcement, social scientists, civic and church leaders, are searching for solutions to the critical problems facing our nation, such as the drug crisis, violence, and social injustice, all of which can be found within God's will for mankind

The proclamation also quoted President Ronald Reagan: "Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face."

More here

1 comment:

  1. Simple reading of the text is not proselytizing.

    The people need theology.


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