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Friday, July 15, 2016

HUGE Migrant Camp Set Up Outside George Clooney’s $10 Million Italian Mansion

A massive migrant camp has been set up outside of George and Amal Clooney’s multi-million dollar lakeside mansion in Lake Como, Italy, a new report claims

Hundreds of migrants are living in tents in a makeshift camp near the actor’s Italian mansion as they wait to get into northern Europe after Switzerland closed its southern border with Italy, the Daily Mail reported Wednesday.

The migrants are surrounded by “discarded clothes, shoes, food containers and even rats.”



  1. they are the rats. they need to go back to where they came from. who wants a bunch of cowards in their country.

  2. Open your doors George! Let those poor people into your mansion.

  3. 3:07 AM, I agree. He's so liberal, go outside George and open those gates and let them in and shame on you if you don't.

  4. Cloony just like every single other democrat lies. He's all talk just like the rest of them but never walk the walk-just like the rest of them. Democrat= Lying Scum

  5. George and Angelina were all for taking them in. So do so.

  6. I know of one rat - George Clooney.

  7. They need them near by so they can have their lawns mowed, house cleaned,gardens trimmed, painting done, etc.


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