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Monday, July 04, 2016

How Well do Americans Know Their Own History


  1. Would say they don't have a clue about their own history much less the country's. The sad thing is they run around talking like they think they do and sound ridiculous.

  2. Debate teams have them thinking like that 7:40.Arguments without limitations.Liberal moderators really don't care if arguments are valid & rarely intervene to correct those who are debating even when they are dead wrong.Arguing a point at nauseum does not make it right.

    1. Like I said in the NY school post, liberals aren't interested in truth, they're only interested in thought control. They want people to all think alike because after all, their thoughts are correct regardless of how ridiculous they sound or untrue.

      The current education system , especially in Wicomico, is a shambles. Kids are babysat not taught anything but garbage.

  3. Very sad, for sure! Thank God for the last two.

  4. The US public "education" system does NOT educate. This goes for grade school up through any PhD obtained at ANY public institution. It's unbelievable the ignoramuses that obtain degrees in the US. This is why large corps have to send headhunters out to recruit skilled workers from other countries. It has NOTHING to do with them being paid less and actually they are paid considerably more, given numerous perks such as living expenses, automobiles and if they are married the spouse is given hiring priorities. All this is the fault of the democrats-just like every single other thing wrong w/this country can be blamed exclusively on the democrats. They said everyone "deserves" an "education" so have lower the standards so much US graduates can not compete in today's workforce.

  5. That blonde don't need any brains with her looks, she has the world, and all men in the palm of her hands!

  6. Wow 11:48 if you think she's hot then the women you are surrounded by must be butt ugly.


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