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Friday, July 01, 2016

How the TPP Could Affect You and Your Business

On February 4, 2016, President Obama signed the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement on behalf of the United States. The TPP agreement has been in negotiation behind closed doors since 2010 between the United States and 11 other countries around the Pacific Rim: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam. The TPP is a “docking agreement” so other countries could be added without the approval of Congress. India, China, and Korea have expressed interest in joining the TPP.

Our elected representatives in Congress had no involvement in writing the TPP – it was written by the staff of the U. S. Trade Representative office, with over 600 corporate advisers (think corporate lawyers) helping them write it. It contains more than 5,500 pages, and no member of Congress could view it as it was being negotiated until late 2014. Even then, they could not take any staff with them and were not allowed to take pen, pencil, paper, or a camera when they went to view it at the U. S. T. R.’s office.



  1. Dave T: Once again we can see just how well our politicians are working to help the American people. The TPP does nothing for the U.S. Way to go Obozo ! Counting the days until you are gone, gone, gone from that office you don't deserve.

  2. Things that are really good for the American people must be kept secret from the people and their representatives in government.

    I will remember the reason why good things are kept secret from us in a few minutes.
    Then, I will come back and let you all know what is the reason.

    Rest assured, it is a secret because it is a good thing. Not because it is a bad thing.

  3. 2:55....nice......


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