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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton friend Sidney Blumenthal

The Democrats on the House Benghazi committee released their final conclusionsfrom the inquiry into attacks on Americans in that Libyan city in 2012, and in the report they say, once again, that the investigation is a politically motivated sham aimed at damaging the reputation of Hillary Clinton.

But the report, which the Democrats published as a preemptive strike before the Republican majority releases findings likely to charge ineptitude and deception by the former secretary of State, also revealed, apparently unintentionally, details about the eye-popping amount of money a close Clinton friend and advisor made in a contract with a pro-Clinton nonprofit.

Democrats released but redacted a transcript of Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal answering the committee’s questions to make the point that Republicans do not want the public to know what went on during the his interrogation, during which GOP members arguably used their subpoena power to conduct political opposition research unrelated to Benghazi.



  1. What is it with Clinton and her bleeding emails? Does this woman ever know when to just stop? She's obsessed with leaving these obvious trails of deception. She must be all hot to get herself incarcerated because she flaunting her criminality blatantly for all the world to see.

  2. And no outrage from republican controlled congress!

  3. 6:42
    Both parties are controlled by the same elite bankers.

  4. Not a mistake. Done on purpose. period


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