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Friday, July 15, 2016

Hillary Clinton blames aides for email problems, says server now in hands of FBI

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blamed her aides for bungling her emails, telling a federal court Tuesday that department employees knew she was using a secret account and they should have been the ones to police her.

Mrs. Clinton, through her lawyers, begged the court not to order her to have to testify under oath about her emails, saying she no longer has any of them and she didn’t set the system up to try to thwart open-records laws, so she has little to add to the ongoing Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch, a conservative legal group that’s been pursuing Mrs. Clinton’s emails for years, has asked a federal judge to make Mrs. Clinton sit for a sworn deposition so it can get to the bottom of what happened to some 30,000 messages the former secretary refused to turn over to the government.

But David E. Kendall, Mrs. Clinton’s lawyer, said the group is grasping.

“No matter how much discovery Judicial Watch takes, the ultimate relief it seeks — production and search of Secretary Clinton’s clintonemail.com account by either the State Department or Secretary Clinton — is impossible to obtain in this case, as Secretary Clinton does not have possession or control of the equipment that housed that account,” Mr. Kendall wrote.



  1. Hillary Clinton: The buck stops there.

  2. She needs to blame no one but herself - she is the very guilty one and she knows it - always trying to put blame on someone else when it's all her.

  3. She had the authority of what to do and she told staff what she wanted done. It's in the e-mails that were found. Hillary had her server wiped clean. That's why the delay in responding to e-mails early on. She cannot be trusted, ever!!!

  4. Just blame your underlings! If you cannot take responsibility for your own actions, you are not responsible enought to be president of the United States of America, or of the neighborhood HOA!!

  5. She foresees the Clintons and their foundation going down and they will be poor / dead broke like she stated they were when they left the White House. This time her vision pictures them on skid row with no Federal pensions or benefits since they cannot "legally" collect a government check / benefits in prison.
    She begging the Courts now and will be at Trumps mercy begging him not to reopen and put them in stripes.

  6. always blame somebody else

  7. A sick mind in action.

  8. Baloney!
    She was questioned again and again by her staff about the legality of what she was doing. She waved them off, dismissed their concerns of security and complying with the law. Those people bear little responsibility, other than the huge responsibility of reporting those shortcomings and obvious crimes to higher authority. Clinton assumed not only the status of "Captain of the Ship", but that of one who directed her crew to ignore and violate the law for reasons not supported by the mission of her command. She did so for solely selfish reasons, putting her command, all who depended upon it, and her nation at risk. Had one done this some 200 years ago, near the time of the founding of our nation by those who created it in answer to tyranny, she would have already been judged and hanged, and for good reason.

  9. If the server is in the hands of the FBI, why is it still up and running? HTTPS://mail.clintonemail.com/owa

  10. OMG!!! Throwing her staff under the bus. This women just gets more crooked everyday. Even the FBI is now getting a black mark and no respect because of her threats. Will she ever have to answer for her dishonesty or some people still stupid enough to vote for her to threaten us all?


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