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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hillary Busted Plagiarizing DNC Speech, Media REFUSES to Report

Plagiarism: It’s a major concern if you’re a presidential candidate or the family member of a presidential candidate. Unless you’re a Democrat. In that case, whatevs yo!

That’s the message from the Democrat National Convention, where more plagiarism went on than at the Republican National Convention. There was, of course, Barack Obama’s copying of Donald Trump Jr.’s speech. Then there was Joe Biden’s line copped from Kanye: “We ain’t going nowhere but got suits and cases / A trunk full of coke, rental car from Avis.” (I may have been asleep for one of these speeches.)

But I certainly wasn’t asleep when Hillary Clinton gave her speech last night, and copied from an author most Americans know by heart.

“But here’s the sad truth,” Hillary said. “There is no other Donald Trump…This is it. And in the end, it comes down to what Donald Trump doesn’t get: that America is great — because America is good.”

That’s an amazing line! In fact, it sounds almost like one her husband used back in 1994, according to Sean Hannity:

“I believe fundamentally in the common sense and the essential core goodness of the American people,” Bill said. “Don’t forget that Alexis de Tocqueville said a long time ago that America is great because America is good; and if America ever ceases to be good, she will no longer be great.”


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