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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Has America been dumbed down?


  1. The seats of learning are now seats of indoctrination.

  2. The American government is disgraceful.

  3. UMES degrees, need I say more?

  4. History has been re-written; so no truth there. Science is less than truthful and twisted to match a narrative, Math is so screwed up that no one can decipher, English has been dumbed down as no longer recognized, Grammar is 'street grammar' and Spelling is 'creative' spelling. Geography is no longer taught. Cursive no longer taught. Most are graduating at a 5th grade level and have no clue what the real world is all about.

    Absolutely NO critical thinking skills so no one questions anything. BAM!!! sheep easily led into doing anything the government tells them to do. And to think Parents, you allowed this to happen. SHAME on you.

  5. Well we let cops do as they seem without question! We think we are safe because we give up our rights. And schools dont teach history! Yup. Stupid!

  6. Americans have never been too smart to begin with.

  7. 1133 Absolutely RIGHT! The problem also is the fact that students are unable to question what people teach them. Most instructors in our education, shut down thought and don't promote free thinking - taking in facts and then looking at them in a logical manner. They promote their OWN views on children rather than letting the child develop logic and reasoning skills. This has been a huge focus on "test-driven" classroom regimes haunting our school systems since before Common Core.

    They can't understand why A+B=C all they do is memorize it. There's a reason behind things, it's not just answers for a game show or Trivia.

    Our education needs a serious rehaul. And teachers must be leaned on NOT to coerce students into adopting their belief system as they hold power over a child's life 7 hours a day. Professors should also be instructed that their personal views should never enter the classroom or social settings at universities. It is up to the young ones to form their own opinions based on the information!

  8. People must remember that IQ is not necessarily correlative to Common Sense. Children and young adults need to learn common sense because street smarts is what helps facilitate them learning and dissimulating for themselves what meaning is behind the facts taught.


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