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Thursday, July 07, 2016

Governor Hogan: Conowingo Dam Press Conference - July 7, 2016


  1. Maryland is wasting Bay clean up money until something is done up stream at the dam.

  2. It sounds like Hogan is going to address the sediment problems of the damn which is the major contributor to polluting the Chesapeake Bay, but it makes no sense to increase funding for renewable energy that produces 19% of the time and cost 3.5 times as much. Wind turbines last 10 years and solar panels last 20-25 years but leave behind millions of useless panels that have to be disposed.

  3. It'll take them 10yr to start pumpin out that mud puddle. Any wages on how many billion it'll cost us?

  4. This is an historic event. The Governor wisely understands it is impossible to repair the Bay unless the flows of sediment and nutrients are intercepted at the Conowingo Dam before they enter the Bay. Thank you Governor Hogan. - Carroll County Commissioner Richard Rothschild


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