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Tuesday, July 05, 2016

GOP billionaire: Trump worthy of Christian support

'Throughout history, God has harnessed imperfect people to fulfill' will

Foster Friess, a billionaire who donates generously to the Republican Party, said in a letter to supporters that Donald Trump deserves the backing of the evangelical community because God, throughout biblical history, has always tapped the imperfect to work his perfect will.

“[A]ll throughout history,” he wrote, “God has harnessed imperfect people to fulfill his perfect will. King David sent Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, off to the front lines in hopes he would be killed so David could play cozy with the guy’s wife.”

He went on, saying he thought even the most “principled evangelical Christian woman” ought to support Trump, even if she had concerns about his morals and past indiscretions, the Washington Examiner reported. And, he reminded, “You and I are changing and so is Donald Trump,” the newspaper reported.



  1. God bless the USA and Donald Trump. We want our country back.

  2. We got the memo.

  3. That's correct ! We r not voting for a preacher we r voting for a leader. Trump is the man!!!!!

  4. This is the kind of lack of logic so many on the other side accuse Republicans of. What is good for the gander is good for the goose. He could have just as easily written this supporting Hillery.


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