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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Former Golf Land Granted Rezoning For Home Project

SNOW HILL – The Worcester County Commissioners last week approved the rezoning of the former Pine Shore Golf facility.

The Beauchamp Road property, which had carried E-1 estate zoning, will be reclassified as R-1 residential. Charles Nichols, whose family purchased the property in 2014, said the rezoning would allow the 950-acre property to be developed in a reasonable manner.

“We’re deeply involved in sustainable development,” Nichols said. “We think we have an opportunity here not only to make a change but make something that’s positive.”

Nichols said his family has owned the land adjacent to the defunct golf course since 1881. The family purchased the golf course property in 2014 when it was in foreclosure. Though the property needs some work, Nichols said the family was eager to improve it.

“This would give us an opportunity to maximize the development potential in a good way,” Nichols said.


1 comment:

  1. Yeah right another local convinces the politicians to rezone something so they can do what's right all they will do is now sell it to a national pocket the money and Say Goodbye


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