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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Fmr Prosecutor Sues Obama, Al Sharpton For Inciting Race War

A former federal prosecutor has sued President Obama, the founders of Black Lives Matter, Al Sharpton, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and former US Attorney General Eric Holder for inciting a race war that led to the fatal Dallas police shootings.

The federal class action lawsuit, filed Saturday in Dallas, accuses the defendants of aiding and abetting murder, terrorist promotion of gang activity and civil rights violations of law enforcement officers. It seeks damages of more than $2 billion.

“These (defendants) have incited violence and in fact have a direct link to what happened in Dallas,” said Larry Klayman, who worked in the Department of Justice during the Reagan administration and later founded the conservative advocacy groups Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. “I hope that law enforcement in Dallas and around the nation will join our class action, it’s a peaceful legal means to fight this. We’ve had it. People are finally starting to speak out.”

The case has been assigned to Judge Sam A. Lindsay, a Clinton appointee who is also African American.



  1. Police should strike. Stop enforcing the law everywhere until justice is served.
    Add Hillary Clinton to the list of Marxist conspirators in the regime and HANG every darn one of them on the mall in Washington D.C. For treason.
    Imprison main stream liberal heretics like Austan Goolsbee, Cornel West, David Axlerod, etc.
    Then we could get America United and back on track.

  2. I think this is something should be covered and saturated all over the news for weeks, so that the word gets out that the people of this country are serious. Do I think this will fly unfortunately no, but maybe it will be the first step to stop these hate mongers and make them realize the penalty for creating treason in this country will not be accepted any longer. Maybe if they went after each one of these they would have more success, and scare them (maybe Al Sharpton would give up his US Citizenship since he hasn't paid his taxes).

  3. Nothing will become of this, but I'm glad he filed it. Police can't strike, but they can turn their backs on Obama and others in higher places until justice is served.


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