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Monday, July 18, 2016

Film exposes ‘gun-free zones’ as ‘unarmed-victim zones’

See Thomas Jefferson's warning against laws banning firearm possession

At the core of Barack Obama’s gun ban agenda, which he’s been pursuing largely unsuccessfully since he entered office, is the idea that laws banning weapons will cut down on violence.

He’s raised the issue after virtually every shooting episode that’s injured America, including at the memorial service in Dallas for the five police officers killed by a sniper.

There, he said, “We flood communities with so many guns it’s easier for a teen to get his hands on a Glock than get a computer or a book.”

But now the Gun Owners of America has released a short film portraying the real problem that governments, schools and others are trying to address by banning guns in specific areas, what critics describe as “unarmed victim” zones.

Those are areas where shootings happened at Virginia Tech in 2007, Fort Hood in 2009, the Aurora movie theater in 2012, Sandy Hook in 2012, the DC Navy yard in 2013, Fort Hood in 2014, the Chattanooga military offices in 2015 and the Lafayette Grand Theatre in 2015. Those attacks cost 105 lives and injured more than 150.

“If we add more recent high-profile attacks in gun-free zones – Umpqua Community College (October 2015) and Pulse Orlando (June 2016) – the death toll rises to 163 and the number of injured far exceeds 200,” GOA said.

1 comment:

  1. Gun Free Zones are certainly dangerous.

    However, these events are all hoaxes created out of whole cloth by intelligence agencies with assistance from Hollywood.


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