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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Ex-U.S. Prosecutors: FBI’s Clinton Press Conference ‘Bizarre’

‘This is not going to go away’

FBI director James Comey’s argument on Tuesday for declining to recommend criminal charges in the Hillary Clinton email server investigation was “absolutely bizarre,” according to former U.S. prosecutors.

Comey announced at a press conference on Tuesday that the he would not recommend criminal charges to the Department of Justice in the case, despite finding that Clinton and her aides were “extremely careless” by sending hundreds of classified messages over multiple, unsecured private email servers.

While investigators concluded that information was improperly transmitted, Comey said he would not recommend criminal charges because “no reasonable prosecutor” would take up the case.

Joseph diGenova, former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, called Comey’s statements an “absurdity in light of the conclusions that [the FBI] reached.”

“How can he spend 15 minutes describing a series of crimes being committed … and then he says no reasonable prosecutor [would prosecute]?” said diGenova. “That is ridiculous. I consider myself a reasonable prosecutor and I would have brought charges based on the facts that he accumulated.”

According to Comey, FBI investigators found that over 110 emails sent or received over Clinton’s private email system contained classified information at the time they were sent. They also found that Clinton had set up multiple private unsecured servers—as opposed to the single server that was previously reported—and that it was “possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal email account.”



  1. It is time to seriously consider that our government is now controlled by a criminal cabal.
    The Clintons are obviously in the cabal.
    I believe the Bushs are also members of the cabal.

    Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar
    Three Bush members were Skull and Bones (order of the death's head)

    Secret organizations and meetings are more important than open elections and voting.

  2. 819 while I do see your point, this has never been a mystery to people who follow politics. The problem is for average citizens this appears to be very cloak and dagger for their taste. Often they will close their eyes to some inconvenient truths and merely ignore them altogether. It's interesting the information is readily available yet, many will not seek it out. Good that you posted here and hopefully, people will begin to grasp this. However, I am not holding my breath.

  3. no reasonable prosecutor will take up the case???????? hell no,because they will know that to go against hillary when she has obama in her pocket would mean the end of their careers put her conduct to a vote by the people the doj and fbi are just pawns until the election is over pray for a republican in the white house God bless A merica

  4. A waste of time and money trying to bring charges against Bill and Hillary. They are exempt form any rules and regulations. I had better be careful or I might have an accident.

  5. Watching Giuliani tonight on Hannity, it's painfully obvious he is so disappointed in Comey's conclusions and he feels this is not going to go away. When Eric Bolling asked him about the Clinton Foundation because it was demonstratively missing from the Press Conference, Giuliani stated that is a separate investigation.

    I'm telling you, kids, this is far from over. No doubt about additional investigations are going on simultaneously while the e-mail scandal will play out on every news network as Trump uses her own lies against her.

    She has no defense and everything she says will undoubtedly come back at her time and time again. It will be like watching a train hit a wall at 200 mph. Get ready for a riveting debate season!

  6. Comey's response is completely understandable. You have to understand that Comey has seen all the reports on all the deaths of all the people whose lives crossed the Clintons'. He simply is in self preservation mode. He'd like to live to see another day.


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