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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Donations From Gov’t To Clinton Foundation Sparks Scandal In Norway

The Norwegian government has allegedly tried to hide millions of dollars in contributions to the Clinton Foundation spread out over eight years.

Daily newspaper Dagbladet has tracked $89.6 million of contributions back to Norway. Foreign Minister Børge Brende violated the government’s own policies by handing $3.57 million from the foreign aid budget to the Clinton Foundation, according to an internal memo.

The government and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation both split up donations into different channels of the Clinton Foundation in an attempt to make each contribution look smaller than it was. 



  1. Oh, the Clinton Foundation well goes much deeper than anyone knows!

    Follow the chain.

    Russians ask for Secretary Clinton to buy uranium company in the US. She agrees to half ownership.

    Bill gets booked for speeches in Moscow. $500K for speeches.

    Ownership goes through.

    Anonymous donor donates $145M to the Clinton Foundation from Russia with Love.

    Total ownership by Russians okayed by Clinton.

    Another anonymous Russian based donation for $30M gets donated to Clinton Foundation.

    Need I go on or do you get the picture.

  2. Holy cow! That's a lot of kroner!

  3. Clinton, Obama, Putin... All Marxists, Communists.
    Communists are the enemy, we used to kill them, stopped, now look at the U.S.
    They took over the Democrat party.


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