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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Donald Trump blasts Freddie Gray prosecutor after all charges are dropped

Donald Trump lashed out Wednesday at the Baltimore prosecutor who brought charges against police officers in the high-profile death of Freddie Gray, saying that 'she ought to prosecute herself' instead.

Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby's office said an hour before Trump's press conference in Miami that all remaining charges against officers in the case were being dropped.

The move means no one will be help responsible for Gray's April 2015 death in the back of a police transport van.

'I do have a reaction to the prosecutor in Baltimore who indicted those police officers. I do,' Trump said at his Trump National Doral Miami country club, in a reaction a question from Daily Mail Online.

'I think she ought to prosecute herself. Okay? That's my reaction.'



  1. This is the main thing I have against Trump...no filter. As President he will need to be more diplomatic. He made a nice, even handed statement after the police were assassinated in Dallas about restoring trust between the police and the communities they serve. Something similar would have been a good thing to say in this instance, especially since I doubt he know much about the particulars outside of the headlines.

    1. That kind of thinking is why most of our enemies have no respect for us. I believe these same enemies are now worried. They aren't sure what to make of Trump, but they sure and heck know that our current POTUS doesn't have a spine. It's time we put them on notice and I appreciate the fact that Trump doesn't filter everything. Filters are a big reason we live in a weak kneed country. I would rather our leaders speak without filters and tell the truth, than speak with filters and lie straight to our face ( is. Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Ryan, etc......)

  2. People should wait until she turns 18 to demand this.

  3. 6:27 if you had bothered to read his WHOLE statement instead of one sentence, you would find what he said as informed and appropriate.

    Maybe you should heed your own advice and stop commenting after reading nothing other than a headline.

  4. I'm sick of the Democrat Progressives putting filters own our freedom of speech.

  5. He'll work the diplomacy thing out.

  6. Actually, she really SHOULD prosecute herself! Look at the facts!


  7. I hope Mrs. Clinton has on fresh Depends when Mr. Trump asks her in a debate where she was and what she did when Benghazi was going down! Because none of her lapdogs in the MSM will go within a light year of the topic.

  8. Not having a filter leads to a lack of cooperation. Look at how Pres Obama's unmeasured statements were received: "The police acted stupidly" "If Michelle and I had a son" and let's not forget, "Elections have consequences." Leadership is about so much more than shooting from the hip in order to score points. It requires working with people you don't care for (and vice versa) in order to reach a common goal. If Mr Trump is sincere about addressing police brutality and procedures he'll have to work with people like Marilyn Mosby in order to work toward a solution.

  9. Post seems to change to filter. Trump is leading and always will due to no filter. If you want filters, use them when the democrat candidate and Pelosi get their service, they need a lube job.


  10. Trump is actually pretty artful most of the time in his comments. He mirrors what regular people are thinking and saying and doesn't labor over what 'is' is. That is informative, refreshing and builds confidence in him.

    Along with counting down the remaining days of Obama we should be counting the days since cosseted candidate Clinton gave an actual no-holds-barred press conference. She is interviewed on TV by select reporters and only gets marshmallow questions that she's seen beforehand. Trump will shred her when they get on the same stage. And because she has avoided real questions she'll be at a marked disadvantage.

  11. We can see clearly now why this Country has fallen from grace, it's you people and your thinking. Before long you will be crying like babies ,because you haven't seen anything yet.

  12. Mr Trump is sincere about addressing police brutality and procedures he'll have to work with people like Marilyn Mosby in order to work toward a solution. People like Marilyn Mosby do not belong in our large cities acting as activist and stirring up problems they are unable to control

  13. The so called prosecutor has no worries. She can get a salary increase by resigning. The great democrat candidate would scoop her up so fast she wouldn't know what hit her. Same as the results of democrat chair that goes by three names.


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