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Monday, July 04, 2016

Dog Found Near Upper Ferry Road: UPDATE

Hi Joe,

There is an old brown dog on north upper ferry road at 5 pm today. Police were called and stayed with the dog. This was the picture. Humane society is being called. Dog has green collar no tag. Looks like shock collar. Old dog, curly tail, bent ears. Tried to catch but ran away.


  1. Enjoy waiting 3 hrs for animal control to show up

  2. Huh. Must not have been sheriff's dept.; was told they basically wouldn't do anything about a pit bull unless he was being agressive. Not willing to risk getting my dog nor myself mauled, so we were basically trapped in our own house. Great tax dollars at work!

  3. Why would you call the Police over a wandering dog. Whoever did it likely will cause the dog an early death.

    1. The police were very calm with the dog, they didn't want to chase it. It looked old, hoping it finds it owners soon!

  4. The dog was in front of our house on Upper Ferry Rd as well, tried calling it and giving it treats hoping it would come to us but it wouldn't. It does have a shock collar on. Animal control did show up, not sure if they got the dog yet or not, it ran into Kensington Woods.

  5. 6:08--
    Animal control isn't open after regular business hours, but LEOs have contact info.

  6. I've been looking for her for hours. Please call me at 443-880-1350 with details.

  7. Just found out the humane society was not able to catch her. So she's still out there. Please please keep looking. 443-880-1350.

  8. She's been found!! Thank you all SO much!!

  9. Trapped in your house? Seriously? That dog like most pit bulls is no more than a kissing machine! Educate yourself before the whole world scares you to a long desolate life trapped in your home!

  10. 2:10 Would you trust a stray dog with your life or the life of your pet? People have no idea what the temperament is of a dog that is not theirs or someone they know. A dog that gives you kisses at home could easily be scared when out on their own in unfamiliar surroundings. When dogs get scared they sometimes bite. Dogs can also be territorial and will attack another dog. With all the uncertain circumstances you just can not always approach or trust a stray dog.

  11. 2:41 Don't worry. There are government officials are available to protect people like you.

  12. Glad to hear the good news!!! Thanks for letting the public know! Those of us who care and try to help the pets back home are comforted in knowing of their safe return!!!

  13. By the way she is not a pit bull although that doesn't even matter!

  14. 9:23
    I don't need a government official to protect me. I do just fine on my own. To walk up to a stray dog is foolish and if you don't see that well you might win The Darwin Award in the near future.

    It doesn't matter what type of dog it is! All dogs can bite.

  15. Of course all dogs can bite and so can crazy people. Was only commenting on ghe fact that pit bull as always was thrown out there and she definitely isn't one. Thanks to everyone who helped and tried to catch her. There are decent people left on the Shore.


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