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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Democratic Donors, Allies Offer Reward for Trump Tax Returns

The wealthy Democratic donors, many of them executives who run complex businesses, know firsthand how revealing tax returns can be. Perhaps that's why they can't stop talking about Republican nominee Donald Trump's refusal to release his.

In their suites at the Ritz Carlton hotel, where many are staying during this week's Democratic convention, and at its auxiliary swanky parties, the supporters of Hillary Clinton are sounding the alarm about Trump's break with decades of presidential campaign tradition.

Clinton put out eight years of recent tax filings last summer, and they lament that voters don't seem to understand why Trump's refusal to do the same matters.

Democratic talk of the taxes spilled onto the convention stage Wednesday night. Vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine, mocking Trump, said, "Believe me, there's nothing suspicious in my tax returns. Believe me!" The crowd laughed.

There's even a literally a bounty for the Trump documents.

Moishe Mana, a top fundraiser for Clinton, has offered to give $1 million to the charity of Trump's choice if he makes them public. He joins an unnamed Republican donor working with Clinton ally David Brock who has made a similar offer of $5 million.

"Through his financial documents, we are trying to break into the image that he's portraying to the American people," said Mana, a real estate developer in Miami. "He says he's a successful businessman who wants to do for the country what he did for his company. Well, go ahead, show me the money."


[Is there any chance the Dems will immediately distort, mis-represent and lie about them if they are released? --Editor ]

1 comment:

  1. FBI? Solicitation of a crime?



    Bueller? Bueller?


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