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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

ChristianMingle Dating Site Must Provide Service to Gay People

The dating website ChristianMingle.com must now provide dating options for gay people, according to a settlement in a California case.

The Wall Street Journal reported that two gay men sued the website after they found no options for meeting gay men who profess to be Christian.

The men said the site "arbitrarily and intentionally" excluded gay and lesbian people, which was a violation of California's civil rights acts that requires businesses to provide equal services regardless of sexual orientation.

On all the Spark Network sites, the first selection when a person sets up a dating profile is "I'm a man seeking a woman" or "I'm a woman seeking a man."



  1. I don't hear the left lamenting the attack on christian values.

  2. Gay men professing to be Christian are lying. Christ's teaching clearly state that man shall not lie with man!

    No phobia here - just relaying the word! I have plenty of friends with alternative lifestyles - both gender...they don't profess to be Christian though!

  3. Christian values also state forgiveness, yet their rules on their site say no Sex Offenders can be on it. So much for forgiveness.

  4. 9:13 If you call it a lifestyle you are not being a friend.

  5. Sin being crammed down our throats. Gay sex is not love.

  6. The site is called Christian Mingle. If a person is homosexual they are not Christians by Biblical definition; therefore, why would they want to be on a Christian site?

  7. The pope says we owe gay people an apology. Not going to happen.

  8. this country smh is a joke

  9. I wish you Christians could iron out all of your confusing differences. I mean, if your holy text is true, why can't any of you seem to agree?

    Personally, I think you just try to get your religion to fit whatever your own agenda is, and that is why there is such disagreement. 33,000+ Denominations? That is more than the number of verses in the Bible!

    I mean, what a pretty terrible holy book to create such conflicting viewpoints. What does it say about your deity to have such a fractured following that all claim their viewpoint is right?


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