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Saturday, July 02, 2016

Chris Christie Dodging New Bridgegate Shocker

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is under new scrutiny over Bridgegate following the disclosure that a personal email account he used during the massive, politically-motivated traffic jam triggered by his staff was never seen by investigators.

National Public Radio says an email account Christie shared with his wife, Mary Pat, was never searched despite the fact he used it to message David Samson, chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey which governs the operation of the George Washington Bridge.

As well, a cellphone in his pocket during the 2013 traffic debacle and text messages he sent and received during the investigation of the matter were also not provided to federal criminal investigators overseeing the case.



  1. No surprise there. The guy is clearly a fat, lying sack of crap. The voters saw thru his baloney.

  2. It always just seemed like he was involved.

  3. ...except he wasn't involved.


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