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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

By The Numbers


  1. When compared to the population of each subgroup, these numbers are stunning.

  2. And the vast majority are inner city gang violence. LA, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland, Philly, Atlanta, Birmingham, etc...
    This doesn't fit the script. You can't look directly at a sub culture that is committing the violence because of a lack of fathers in the home so they don't know how to model emotions and model their response by the men in their lives on reality tv, music videos, and Hollywood.
    They don't talk about this because they want this to flourish to cause dissent. To keep us divided and focused on what they need us to react to to follow the global governance script. All of mainstream and Hollywood is controlled. Do you think it's a coincidence recent movie titles have included "civil war" and the purge "election year". Subconsciously infecting the brainwashed lemmings into chaos. It's called television PROGRAMMING for a reason guys

  3. Fox news says more whites shot than blacks by police.
    MSNBC says blacks are twice as likely as whites to be shot by police.
    They are both right. Statistics are just a marketing tool and you can arrange them to look like whatever fits your narrative.
    I became aware of the severity of black/police relations when I used to be a driver. I went all around the whole east coast. I noticed that if you are a young black man pulled over, they are going to search your car nearly every time. I am a good responsible hard working person, but if my car was searched every time I would have a criminal record that would keep me from a good job and decent housing.

  4. Not proposing cops search every car. However, if your car is searched whatever is found should not keep you from getting a good job and decent housing. Maybe you should try following the law.


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