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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Baltimore City's homicide rate climbing

BALTIMORE —There have been 31 homicides in Baltimore in July, with the most recent one happening Tuesday morning.

Just across from the neighborhood sign welcoming people Walbrook Junction, there was a disturbing scene: another homicide investigation.

"It's sad that our youth going to be dying like this," one resident said.

Another one woman describes how seeing the yellow tape with black letters used to mark off the area where police are conducting investigations has become much too common.

With only four more days left in July, police are investigating the city's 31st homicide so far this month.

"It's too much now. It's too much," the resident said.



  1. So the problem is? Guess they need a gun ban? Dam guns shooting people all by themselves!Im not trying to be racist but,the problem is what BLM? No cops involved here!

  2. It's the thugs of Baltimore that are to blame, plain, simple, truth, fact, cops were and never will be the problem with these types of communities, keep whining BLM, it's your own people.

  3. Few of these deaths are random.

  4. This is what BLM wants...They are funded by Soro's who want to keep blacks in the ghetto.

  5. Guess Ole Malley's strict gun laws are working. Baltimore thugs follow laws right? You should ban all guns next maybe then thugs will obey.

  6. 90 degree heat , warm country clubs and hate for whitey makes no life matters

  7. You need to put GOD into your lives not BLM.

  8. Let em roll , keep killing each other off , that way we won't have any crime when they are gone , white lives matter too.

  9. Who cares! They grew it now they have no other choice but to keep on digging the graves. Police aren't going to patrol their areas and rightfully so. Nasty ungrateful ghetto garbage doesn't deserve police presence. If and when they start acting like human beings then and only then do they deserve equal protection by police. Until them let them call BLM when they have a problem.

  10. If you were a cop in Charm City would you risk your neck for those multi-breeding cock roaches. F Mosby and anyone who looks like her. WHITE LIVES MATTER.


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