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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

AP: Clinton Email Claims Collapse Under FBI Probe

Key assertions by Hillary Clinton in defense of her email practices have collapsed under FBI scrutiny.

The agency's yearlong investigation found that she did not, as she claimed, turn over all her work-related messages for release. It found that her private email server did carry classified emails, also contrary to her past statements. And it made clear that Clinton used many devices to send and receive email despite her statements that she set up her email system so that she only needed to carry one.

FBI Director James Comey's announcement Tuesday that he will not refer criminal charges to the Justice Department against Clinton spared her from prosecution and a devastating political predicament. But it left much of her account in tatters and may have aggravated questions of trust swirling around her Democratic presidential candidacy.

A look at Clinton's claims since questions about her email practices as secretary of state surfaced and how they compare with facts established in the FBI probe:


  1. So, she lied, lied and lied, then lied about her lying. Tell me, what good qualities does this woman have that would convince me that she is fit for any other government job over the level of GS-4?
    I don't believe for a moment that the state secrets for which she would be responsible as president would be held any more securely than she did with those she didn't protect as secretary of state.

  2. She can't keep us safe from anything, and will say that it's someone else's fault when she fails at it.

  3. They should have gotten her to say it under oath.

  4. It is particularly noteworthy that this is the AP that is saying these things.

    Could the MSM finally be smelling the coffee?


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