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Tuesday, July 05, 2016

America Destroyed

When I was young, America still existed. No more. Not even the blather from the 4th of July can hide the obvious fact.

The young do not know that they have lost their country, because they are born into a time when the country is lost. To them that is normalcy.

Besides, the young are too busy texting and describing themselves, often intimately, on social media to be aware of the fate that awaits them, lost as they are in their insouciance.

When I was young, the police were the public’s friends. We could count on them to help us, not abuse us. False arrest was rare. Abuse of citizens even rarer. Today both are routine.

Over the years I have written about the transformation of the police from protectors of the public into abusers of the public.



  1. It's always the generation that destroyed America that wants to bitch about it

  2. Heard an older detective on the radio recently talking about what's coming up in the next generation of Police Recruits. (NOT all!!)
    Attracting good people to police work at a time when the cops, in general, are routinely vilified is getting more difficult. Standards are being lowered as a result to fill vacancies, rather than raised.

  3. If Trump doesn't win the election, we are down the tube. Pray that Trump wins.

  4. No person should earn a living as a police officer for this vile government and its statutory laws.

    Don't do it.

    Grow a conscience.

  5. The Criminal Justice System died today! As Imclain says, Keep Cheering!

  6. As far as I'm concerned, the legitimacy of this government ended today. No more business as usual. Our window to do something about it is closing. As Imclain says, keep cheering!

  7. WW III is coming we are going be wipe out by that woman.

  8. Who is brave enough to stop paying income taxes?

  9. Seriously thinking about that 8:01. Why should I obey the law when the criminal elite don't have too. Time for civil disobedience. At this rate anyone that stands up for common sense or morality is going to end up in jail anyway (while the real criminals run the country).

  10. Would someone tell me something? Who would have thought that when I was in my 20s I would live to see the day when foreclosure pages make up the whole paper. I can remember when bankruptcy was almost sinful and certainly shameful...now it is just another way to avoid debt and walk away with your pockets padded. What will the landscape look like in another couple of years with every other house sitting empty?

    But that isn't my true question......
    I am now much older and I look around and do not know the world I'm living in. Young people with children are just back from Disneyland celebrating their walking away from their last and best mess. Look these people up on the court pages and you will find that they are frequent flyers and yet they are making fun of us for our struggle.

    I'm left to wonder if we were truly stupid for doing the right thing, paying our bills and trying to build a future. The dollars I saved so carefully are now worth 1/2 I thought they would be. The healthcare I thought would be there to protect me doesn't care if I have paid in all my working life..it is now just take a number and wait your turn.

    Is anyone else feeling stupid too????

  11. In order for the police to be militarized, they had to have an enemy. The enemy is us...


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