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Friday, July 15, 2016

"$2 Billion A Year" - Illegal Immigrants Get More Food Stamp Benefits Than Poor American Citizens

There’s a reason Americans are angered over illegal immigration and despite what liberal-leaning socialists like Hillary Clinton and the Huffington Post may suggest, it has absolutely nothing to do with racism.

It’s an economics issue, plain and simple.

And as highlighted by a new report from the Washington Examiner, it’s actually American citizens who are feeling the brunt of the pain and being treated unfairly, not the other way around:

Illegal immigrant households tapping into the federal food stamp program are receiving $1.4 billion to $2.1 billion a year despite their ineligibility, according to a new analysis of the Agriculture Department program.

And rules guiding who can get food stamps favor households with illegal immigrants over all-U.S. citizen homes, according to the detailed report from the Center for Immigration Studies released Monday morning.



  1. Trump will fix this mess....IT'S REDICULOUS!!!

  2. we need to cancel all that are on it and make everyone re apply.

  3. This is why we need Trump and we need to put Hillary in prison when Trump gets elected and Obummer can no longer pardon her.

  4. Frumpf?

    Come on. You know better than that. False hope is for little children.


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