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Friday, July 08, 2016

1,898 Dead Ohioans Received Food Stamps in 2015

Report also finds 173 food stamp cards had balances of more than $5,000

Nearly 2000 beneficiaries of the food stamp program continued to receive benefits after their deaths in Ohio, according to an audit from the state’s auditor.

The audit evaluated a six-month period in 2015 and found that there were 36 instances where dead people received benefits for more than a year after their death and 1,862 instances where dead people received benefits for less than a year.

“In some cases, someone was still using the card,” explained Dave Yost, the Ohio auditor of state, who testified to lawmakers on Wednesday. “Federal law requires at least an annual comparison of death records against the list of beneficiaries—so the number should have been zero.”

The report also found 1,510 cases where food stamp cards had excessive balances.

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  1. I'll bet they voted Democrat too!

  2. They are all registered Democrats too!

  3. http://freebeacon.com/issues/1898-dead-ohioans-received-food-stamps-2015/

  4. The intent is to inundate the system.Too many to prosecute & nowhere to put those who ARE prosecuted.Our government has no effective means to deal with it as long as all of the abusers stick together.Lot's of saber rattling will ensue & empty threats via papers served in an effort to intimidate the masses into compliance.The "They" who once dealt with these issues no longer exist,because the regulatory workers are outnumbered 10,000 to 1.The cure is simply to make the necessary cuts to eliminate.People will most likely starve in the process but so be it.Now that they've isolated the exact # of fraud perpetrators, immediately cut them off.That will be prosecution enough.

  5. Why don't people do their jobs so this doesn't happen. If or when found, trace it back to how they got in this system and "fire" those people.

  6. Buy guns. Buy all the ammo you can afford. RIGHT NOW.
    Its getting worse everyday.
    All the while your "leaders" (your guy, TOO) are busy disarming you, flooding your ranks with strange and violent foreigners, seizing property and cash at gunpoint, thumbing their noses at laws they use to put "we, the people" in prison, driving the middle class into poverty, giving illegal immigrants houses, medical care, and education -- all free --- while requiring AMERICANS to pay for all of theirs AND kick in for the free things our leaders give to people who shouldn't even BE HERE, and implement increasingly socialist "rules" and regulations designed to create "income equality" instead of "opportunity equality".
    You cheered the "change" and the "hope" and the "transformation of this country" (from what to what?!).
    Now, we are 20 TRILLION dollars in debt, the country is in turmoil, we have no respect among world leaders, a presidential candidate needs to be cleared by the FBI for suspected criminal acivities, money buys our politicians, we need RUSSIA to get our astronauts into space (can we PLEASE have a seat on your next space flight? Please??), we place huge emphasis on coddling the strangest and weirdest among us at the expense of the overwhelming majority of people who believe, for example, that it's wrong to have a 55 year old man watching my 8 year old daughter use the bathroom. More Americans are out of work than in the Great Depression!
    And 40% of the dumbest among us think we could be even better at driving our country into the dirt!! Four more years of THIS and we will be Argentina, only with a lot more weapons on the street to make sure our point is well taken by those in power.
    Keep cheering!!

  7. Pretty sad the welfare system has enslaved so many. Doesn't surprise me that fraud permeates the system. It's government, kids, what do you really expect? You people can't seem to put two and two together. It's time you smarten up!

  8. And the dead shall not go hungry among us.

  9. I wonder how many in Salisbury, MD are dead and still getting food stamps?

  10. 12:09 - Ask Larry. He should know.


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