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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Your Safety


  1. It is about revenue nothing else!!!!!!!!! Heard it from MSP's own mouths with my own ears...

  2. Everything the state does now is about revenue. If it is not through fine enforcement it is billing insurances for everything possible. This is on top of the taxes we already pay. They cannot confiscate enough money!!

  3. Cops make ZERO dollars from the tickets then write. So it's not about money.

    1. Duh! The money goes to the state that employs the troopers, who order them to write more tickets for more revenue

  4. 1:47
    Cops get paid don't they?

  5. Again... cops make zero dollars..... receive a paycheck? That's your cut of the take! And again I've never seen a volunteer cop out enforcing traffic laws! 2:05 mist be Giovanni Jones!

  6. 1:47 seriously? Of course the cops don't get the money but part of the revenue does pay their salary. Also they have to justify their jobs....think of the manpower hours it takes to write the endless stream of tickets and citations.

  7. They are filthy tax collectors. NOthing more or less.

  8. After the planned crash of the economy, cops will be very lonely people. And they should be.

  9. Think about how much crime could be stopped if instead of cops sitting doing radar and writing tickets they were patrolling neighborhoods.... but no, why do actual police work when they have quotas to reach.... quotas exist because of the money they generate.... it is not to make sure cops are working, it is to make sure they are generating enough revenue. Safety....haha. If they are so worried about our safety then why do they shoot first and ask cover it up later? Above the law state sponsored criminals. That's what they are. And no I don't care about when they actually do their jobs and get shot or even save a life...because that's what they're payed to do! Protect and serve, not bully, lie and thieve from the people you're supposed to serve. Do that and watch how fast police get respected again. They cry about how citizens don't care about them anymore. How many unnecessary tickets did you write citizens? Do your job, stop crime, respect citizens, and don't act above the laws you enforce if you want respect.

  10. This might not fit in with the theme of the post, but a seat belt and shoulder harness saved my life, no ifs, ands, or buts. Head-on collision, 4 days in intensive care (not the morgue). Without the seat belt, I would be dead. Would I have been wearing it if it wasn't the law? I doubt it. I was wearing it to comply with the law. I absolutely wear it now because I KNOW it saves lives. It saved mine....

  11. The seat belt laws were enacted by lobbying from insurance agencies and the medical industry for the carnage on our the highways. Due to the high insurance costs. Seatbelt were not mandatory on cars back then. Pooff all cars will and you must wear them or else. Get into a car wreck in this day and age without having one on and see what happens see if insurance, doesn't try to get out of it. Obviously it is also a revenue generator for the police state. So now they have something else to stop you for! find other things! this should and used to be considered an illegal search when conducting a traffic stop. however the Supreme Court deemed it was constitutional. since the act of speeding is a criminal act and you forgo your rights funny huh..welcome too as the vise slowly turns.

  12. 4:56... your lucky. Many times seat belts kill! Wont hear about that due to the contradiction it makes when they generate money. and you honestly can't say it saved your live. You didn't have two identical accidents with and without a belt on to compare!


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