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Saturday, June 04, 2016

Yale students: Studying white, male writers creates culture ‘hostile to students of color’

In something of a Shakespearean twist, English majors at Yale University don’t want to study the greatest English writers.

That’s what a group of undergraduates at the Ivy League school in New Haven, Connecticut, said in a petition started last week. They are demanding that the English Department “decolonize” the curriculum by dropping a pair of Major English Poets required courses that feature works by dead white men.

“It is unacceptable that a Yale student considering studying English literature might read only white male authors,” the petition states. “A year spent around a seminar table where the literary contributions of women, people of color, and queer folk are absent actively harms all students, regardless of their identity.”

More here

[An Ivy League school.. our best and brightest. --Editor]


  1. And these idiots think paying what it costs to go to an ivy league college is worth it. Fine study what you want, but know your worthless degree from these crap schools will not land you a job and you're still on the hook for that expensive worthless education.

  2. Best and Brightest, my foot!

  3. They are racist and bigots but in Obama 's American it's okay.


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