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Friday, June 10, 2016

Why Trump Must Not Apologize

"Never retreat. Never explain. Get it done and let them howl."

Donald Trump has internalized the maxim Benjamin Jowett gave to his students at Balliol who would soon be running the empire.

And in rejecting demands that he apologize for his remarks about the La Raza judge presiding over the class-action suit against Trump University, the Donald is instinctively correct.

Assume, as we must, that Trump believes what he said.

Why, then, should he apologize for speaking the truth, as he sees it?

To do so would be to submit to extortion, to recant, to confess to a sin he does not believe he committed. It would be to capitulate to pressure, to tell a lie to stop the beating, to grovel before the Inquisition of political correctness.

More here


  1. Amen, he owes NO apology and the sissies need to get over it, he's not an a$$ kisser like Obama, he STANDS for what he believes, Trump 2016!

  2. We can comment all we want to,but none of us never have or ever will see the likes of Donald Trump again.I watch him every day in amazement & am beginning to realize that his charisma has no end because he offers us an actual way out.He has revealed the corruption within the system unlike no one else ever has.Now we all realize that both parties are working against Trump.Imagine that.

  3. Agreed, 10:55 pm, There will be no other like Donald Trump for the rest of my life, as much as I would love to see it. Having him as our President will grace this Country with more freedom and prosperity than it has seen in 54 years.


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