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Thursday, June 02, 2016

We Suffered So


  1. Well I don't know about the rest of you but I'm sure I was traumatized for life by being forced to do these things. And my parents made me do chores and no tv till homework was done. And they checked! The humanity!

  2. Me too...I'm 38

  3. Anyone here remember party lines on the phone? Had family living in Denver who still had a party line into the late 70's.

  4. Also my dad lived with us, worked everyday, mom stayed home and made real food. I answered them with "Yes sir, and Yes Mam", respected the police and my teachers.

  5. The word NO was accompanied with the understanding that there would be no additional comments. If comments or the word WHY was the response - oh my, one's bottom would begin to hurt.

  6. All this would indicate you're implying these things are old. But I don't FEEL old. And that's what counts.

  7. I remember having a party line, probably in the late 60's to early 70's.

  8. The good old days, they really were life was a lot simpler. The only fights were fist fights or calling each other names and then later laughing about it. Our parents knew we were going to come home from school and free of the threats now a days kids face. Everyone knew their neighbors and all the kids played together baseball, hopscotch, marbles, rode our bikes and waited for the dinner bell being rung by our mothers.

  9. Yes on all accounts, and yes, we had a party line. I used to listen to the single guy that chatted up the ladies.


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