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Monday, June 27, 2016

Video Of Fire In Crisfield


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    1. Excuse me, but that is my mom who posted that video and said that. Yes, it is unbelievable. Fires do not happen here every day and no fire is ever this bad. No fire like this one today has happened in this town in many years. We don't just walk outside and see a fire. My mom gets out of the house every day. There's no need to be an ass and be anonymous either.

  2. My mom is the one who posted this video and said those things. Yes, it was unbelievable. We don't just walk outside and see a fire everyday of our lives, and when there is a fire it is never this bad. There has not been a fire this bad in, or around, this town in many years. If you're going to make a rude comment don't be anonymous.


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