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Wednesday, June 08, 2016

VA Cut Off Benefits to 4,201 ‘Dead’ Veterans Who Were Still ‘Very Much Alive’

Between 2011 and 2015, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) cut off benefits to 4,201 veterans the department mistakenly presumed were dead.

However, “in each case, the veteran or person receiving VA benefits was very much alive,” according to a statement by Rep. David Jolly (R-FL).

Last December, Jolly asked the VA to report back to him the total number of veterans whose benefits were terminated over the last five years due to presumptive reports of their demise after several of his constituents in the Tampa Bay area complained.

The highest number of erroneous terminations occurred last year, when benefits to 1,025 veterans had to be resumed after they were erroneously listed by the department as deceased, the VA reported.



  1. A friend of mine is one of them, a Special Forces vet who has been dealing with a bizarre form of lung cancer that is linked to service in an unnamed place on the map. He's not dead, but the VA says that he is.

  2. They did that so Obama could use that money to fly all over the place.

  3. Yet they can't wipe the real dead people off the voter rolls...


  4. If they would start firing employees for poor job performance, there would be a lot less mistakes being made! Take a look around and you will find poor job performance in almost every situation that goes wrong!

  5. they are just anticipating the outcomes of the vets being in the care of the VA. Give them time


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