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Thursday, June 02, 2016

Trump Targets Republicans Who Won't Support Him

Donald Trump has started punishing Republicans who don't back him — sending the clear message to get in line or get out.

The latest issue came to a head when he was openly critical of New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez at a recent rally in Albuquerque, the Washington Examiner reports.

"The governor has to do a better job," Trump said, the Examiner reports. "She's not doing the job."

Martinez had criticized Trump on his immigration policy and, at one point, refused to share a stage with the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. And it didn't get unnoticed by Trump.

"You think I'm going to change?" Trump said. "I'm not changing. If I have a Republican that's not on my side, I'm not going to — why should I be particularly nice to the person?"



  1. He needs to barrow Clinton's Hit Team, they have killed 47 people that were against that family.

  2. Trump needs to quit the criticism of fellow Republicans and simply exploit Hillary's evil acts in the past and the truth of the state of our economy and weak military to protect us from our enemies.


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