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Monday, June 27, 2016

Those bloody old men voting to leave the EU. What did they ever do for Great Britain?!


  1. They made their money and enjoyed their full tilt. Now they want the younger generation(middle class and poor)pay the cost of their corruption and greed.

  2. 8:49 you are full of bull#$#%. Those old men gave us the freedom to do as we please and we have made a mess of it.

  3. Loud and clear 11:00

  4. Oh yes, 11:00 PM, you are absolutely correct 100%.

  5. Agreed 11:00PM. Respect for those who fought in WWII for if it was not for the "Greatest Generation" then we might be paying allegiance to the likes of Hitler and Hirohito. Of course, the world would be much "whiter" now since the German's would have killed everyone who was not Caucasian so let me change the previous statement to "we might be paying allegiance to the likes of Hitler".

    So you see, those men and women did not just save the world for their own ilk but they saved the world for everyone.

    Just my two cents.

  6. those old men aint so dumb. They see germany's desires to conquer europe by economic and political means, what they couldn't achieve by war! so who's stupid now?

  7. 9:40 you are correct, England won again!

  8. 11:00
    Pathetic. Read much history?

    WWII was a creation of the international bankers.
    They financed both sides. Thyssen's money was in Union Bank and was managed by Prescott Bush.

    You may want to educate yourself just a bit to avoid sounding like a fool.


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