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Sunday, June 05, 2016

There's A Free College Education War Between WorWic, County Executive & County Council But What About YOU?

While new County Employees are already receiving lower benefits and there's now rumor benefits may be reduced for retired and possibly current County Employees I have to ask, why on God's Green Earth are we considering taking away from the hard working employees of the County while offering a FREE education for people who never earned YOUR tax dollars?

There's been a lot of talk on this subject. Some news outlets are being soft on this matter and right now is a perfect time to talk about the reality of it.

This is YOUR money. With infrastructure being at an all time disaster, there's not even any more money in the budget to repair ANY of the roads the County inspected last week. 

I can see so many areas of serious concern, yet we're now being subjected to giving away hundreds of thousands of dollars to people who haven't earned a thing and better yet, haven't paid ANY County Taxes. 

Oh, they all want to throw it out there, this will build economic development. Well, what businesses are out there for these people getting a free education to stick around, buy a home and enjoy a decent income? 

While I'd guess there's a sales job for both sides on this matter, the most important part of this lies on YOU the taxpayer. For me, I just can't see spending all of this money without a commitment in return. For example, when you join the Naval Academy, once you've graduated you must serve at least 4 years in the Navy. What are YOU getting in return here in Wicomico County?

I think a lot more thought needs to go into YOUR proposed investment. In the mean time, while the County had a surplus last year, there's no guarantee that will continue, especially after all those losses in recent years. No nest egg, no infrastructure improvements and no guaranteed return on your investment. 

Sorry Bob, WorWic & County Council, we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. It's putting good money after bad money at this point.


  1. This is nothing more than the icing on the cake , a total socialistic society . It makes me sick.

  2. Everyone is having their benefits cut and the premiums for them raised. It is not just the county employees.

    1. County employees signed up
      For low wages because of average benefits. Now they will be below on both. This is why the County can't hire and retain people.

    2. That is the most stupidest response that I've ever heard. So you are saying that you signed up for a low wage because the benefits were only average ?? Please tell me what school you went to so I do not send my children there

  3. WorWic can let people in for free all they want
    just dont expect tax payers to foot the bill

    have a bake sale, get alumni to donate, ect, ect

    1. Let them pimp themselves out

  4. Kids think they are entitled to everything anyway. This is just going to make it worse. They will be blindsided when they step into the "real" world.

  5. I have had enough of CHUMP change. I'm ready for some TRUMP change.

  6. Oh and by the way about my last comment, I am on my lunch break, not on County time ;)

  7. No free tuition while County employees benefits are below standards. Wor-Wic is a business that is already being subsidized with taxpayers money.

  8. HEY Millinials get 2 jobs like the rest of us did lazy pos.

  9. Maybe you should read the entire proposal before making judgments.

  10. Don't blame the County Council on this. The County Council doesn't believe it will pay off in the long run. There is no proof it will be worth the nearly one million dollars a year that tax payer will be handing out to anyone who will more than likely pack up and leave anyway. Bad move Bob Culver!

  11. To all the County employee whiners. Your benefits are among the best in the state if not THE BEST. Some people have moved here to get a county job just for the benefit package. If the wages are low and the benefits are "average" why don't you find another job then? I'm guessing because you found the business world isn't as generous as Wicomico County.

    The fact is, the taxpayers are losing out on services to provide benefits for you. Frankly, I'm tired of subsidizing you while all you do is gripe. I'd like the road in front of my house fixed after 10 years. That means more to be that funding you unappreciative "county" employees.

    1. Your roads suck because of the loss of Highway User Revenues, which was a state decision. And don't worry, County employees are finding other jobs, all the employees that are useless are the ones that stay because they can't find a job anywhere else.

  12. This is more like it. Don't do anything for anybody. Lower our taxes again if you can. I didn't vote for the revenue cap because I would never be personally responsible for crippling Wicomico county like it and certain people have done but I sure have enjoyed being taxed less and all you County employees whose pay and benefits are substandard who may have voted for it. You are breaking my heart. Not really.

  13. Anonymous said...
    County employees signed up
    For low wages because of average benefits. Now they will be below on both. This is why the County can't hire and retain people.

    June 3, 2016 at 11:34 AM

    You are exactly right. Bob Culver had a plan when he got elected and his plan was to screw over the employees and the retirees.

    BUT.... Bob Culver has to repay political favors to the Sheriff's Office for their support in his election. In the last year they received about 25 brand new SUV's and they are all getting pay raises including high ranking officers and they are getting the DROP program. All this while Bob Culver is trying to take benefits away from the other hard working employees. All this while the County's infrastructure is falling apart. This is not what I voted for.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Maybe you should read the entire proposal before making judgments.

    June 3, 2016 at 1:04 PM

    Maybe you should elaborate on your point because I and many others read the proposal and it is poor judgement on the County Executives part.

  15. No one wants to stay here, that's the problem.

  16. Joe and the editorial staff I as a tax paying citizen agree with you 100%. Sorry Bob, not this time!!

  17. Millinials =
    stay in mommys and daddys bsmt
    Anti American
    free hand outs

    1. aka future welfare moochers

    2. Millinials are adults and mostly already on welfare.

  18. Why not free trade school?

  19. So, the idea is to provide an educated workforce for businesses. What businesses? I see NO economic development going on and if a manufacturer suddenly wanted to open a plant here, you have all the "trained" workers from Labinal who need those jobs.

    This is a grand plan if everything else was going great in this county, but guess what - it ain't. Those of you who sit in the "Executive office" are way too impressed with yourselves vs. delivering bold, significant results.

    Posting that a road is being fixed or the events Culver attends doesn't impress me. Apparently it doesn't impress many others either looking at the lack of comments and likes.

    Heck, the council doesn't even support this idea and slashed economic development too. Get out while you can people. Nothing good happening here.

  20. Wicomico county employees sound like the Verizon union workers. After 6 weeks plus of no pay, you got a contract that was acceptable? How long will it take you to replace the money you lost. Never satisfied - same MO as Wico county employees. Don't like it, leave.

    1. As a matter of fact, the company made a reasonable offer, and I expect it will be ratified soon. Meanwhile we are happy to be back at work.

      How long to recoup our lost wages? Considering their ridiculous "last best final offer", not long, compared to the amount we'd be losing every year in deductibles and so on.

      Next time you have to call us, you can thank us for fighting to answer your call, instead of Suripat or Dong Ju or Namdu.

  21. 1:04. I was thinking the same thing. Where can we see the actual proposal?

  22. I worked my way through college by holding two part time jobs, this is nothing more than a welfare program. And yes I did read the proposal. My son will be attending Towson in the fall and I would like for the county to help pay for that.

  23. Bernie Sanders would be proud of Bob Culver (D), County Executive.

  24. Just another welfare program from a liberal. Mr. Culver we are disappointed, My wife, myself and my parents supported and voted for you, NEVER AGAIN

  25. I truly hope the County Council does not change their minds on this. This is the most ridicules BS I have ever heard of.

  26. Yea give them a blank check with no accountability or rules of how it will work. Seems like a half baked idea from the start. I am glad the council voted this down and I hope they continue to do so.

  27. I have to agree this is one of the best actions by the sitting council to date
    Have to agree am quite disappointed in MR Culver. Not much better than his predcessor
    Better to work on jobs for folks before you educate them to just have to leave te area.

    Shame on you Bob Culver.

  28. Obviously Matt Holloway and John Hall voted for this dumb proposal so I put them back on my RINO list. Oh wait, they've always been RINO's. I have the pictures where they were at Rick Pollitt's final fund raiser and took pictures together with Rick.

    WTH has happened to Bob Culver? He is certainly acting like Rick Pollitt these days.

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    To all the County employee whiners. Your benefits are among the best in the state if not THE BEST. Some people have moved here to get a county job just for the benefit package. If the wages are low and the benefits are "average" why don't you find another job then? I'm guessing because you found the business world isn't as generous as Wicomico County.

    The fact is, the taxpayers are losing out on services to provide benefits for you. Frankly, I'm tired of subsidizing you while all you do is gripe. I'd like the road in front of my house fixed after 10 years. That means more to be that funding you unappreciative "county" employees.

    June 3, 2016 at 1:20 PM

    They are not the best benefits in the state and Bob Culver is trying his best to take them away. The cheezy retirement benefits is going to cost Bob Culver the votes on my entire family. During the next election I will proudly hold the sign of his opponent Republican or Democrat.

  30. 1:20 you say the County benefits are the best and they may be mediocre but the pay sucks. That's right people work for benefits because they can't afford them. I'm sorry that many of them weren't born with silver spoons in their mouths like you were.

  31. If we have so much money left without having to raise taxes then why aren't we getting a tax break? Why aren't our taxes being lowered?

    Instead Bob Culver wants to buy a dozen or more SUV's, give pay raises and hire about a dozen more employees. This Executive has lost his mind.

  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No one wants to stay here, that's the problem.

    June 3, 2016 at 1:25 PM

    So you think giving someone a free education will keep someone here? BULL CRAP!!

  33. Anonymous said...
    Why not free trade school?

    June 3, 2016 at 1:28 PM

    That would be a better proposal!

  34. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So, the idea is to provide an educated workforce for businesses. What businesses? I see NO economic development going on and if a manufacturer suddenly wanted to open a plant here, you have all the "trained" workers from Labinal who need those jobs.

    This is a grand plan if everything else was going great in this county, but guess what - it ain't. Those of you who sit in the "Executive office" are way too impressed with yourselves vs. delivering bold, significant results.

    Posting that a road is being fixed or the events Culver attends doesn't impress me. Apparently it doesn't impress many others either looking at the lack of comments and likes.

    Heck, the council doesn't even support this idea and slashed economic development too. Get out while you can people. Nothing good happening here.

    June 3, 2016 at 1:32 PM

    This is exactly what I was thinking. Culver, Kenney, Stausburg, et al. sitting in their Ivory Tower being all impressed with themselves while some of us are waiting for our homes to be foreclosed on. How about some relief with our taxes!

  35. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I worked my way through college by holding two part time jobs, this is nothing more than a welfare program. And yes I did read the proposal. My son will be attending Towson in the fall and I would like for the county to help pay for that.

    June 3, 2016 at 1:40 PM

    Excellent point! I paid for my undergrad and grad schools while I worked and took out loans. Did everyone forget that student loans are available!!

  36. if Mike dunn from greater sby would stop trying to twist culvers arm we may see some real action from culver on this issue.

  37. Everyone seems to be forgetting that unlike your generation we can't pay for our college on one job, full time let alone 2. You just want to gripe about how undeserving we are as millenials. You're all just bitter old farts

    1. join the military Coward

    2. You can if you dont have cable...$70 cell phone bills..getting hair,nails, and tanning. Stay out of the bars too cuz thats expensive. You can afford it, but it requires sacrifice just as it did then.

  38. Lazy millinials.

  39. This is what the futurists said would happen. The senior baby boomers and the upcoming millinials would fight each other to see who would benefit the most from the collected tax dollars.

    I am a baby boomer but I am glad I did well enough in the 20th century that I don't have to kick millinials and fight for scrapes like a lot of these baby boomers here apparently do who were not able then or are not able now to get it together so they can live comfortably.

  40. Anyone that supports this free money welfare program is an idiot. Shame on you Bob Culver. I might as well voted to keep Rick Pollitt in office.

  41. The 911 department just set off 5 sets of tones just for one ambulance call. What the Hell have you got going on there Bob Culver. You want to give away $1 million dollars a year to anyone that applies for it and you have a rogue EMS program going on in the County. How about taking over the County wide EMS and save some lives.

  42. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    To all the County employee whiners. Your benefits are among the best in the state if not THE BEST. Some people have moved here to get a county job just for the benefit package. If the wages are low and the benefits are "average" why don't you find another job then? I'm guessing because you found the business world isn't as generous as Wicomico County.

    The fact is, the taxpayers are losing out on services to provide benefits for you. Frankly, I'm tired of subsidizing you while all you do is gripe. I'd like the road in front of my house fixed after 10 years. That means more to be that funding you unappreciative "county" employees.

    June 3, 2016 at 1:20 PM

    Who are you?? You haven't subsidized anyone!!

    1. I beg to differ, State has much better benefits. County has BC/BS with worthless dental coverage if you can even call it that. Most people take any job they can get these days not much to choose from here. Quite a few had a second and even third job. You are not subsidizing anything. You can blame the state for the roads around here as they keep the funding on the western shore. Most county employees have been on pay freeze for years at a time and when they do get a cost if living it's 1 or 2 % at the same time their insurance goes up 4% so they basically get nothing. Retirees just want what they have now they are not asking for more. You sound like you're jealous of county employees no need to be they are screwed all the time. (I'm not talking about teachers or the sheriff's dept as they are union and get more than regular employees)

    2. Well then go get a job for the state. Problem solved . You're welcome

  43. Trade school all the way, anything other than trade school, a great big NO.

  44. Anyone who has 2 cents to rub together or wants to live a half way decent retirement needs to move to lower Delaware. I had high hopes for Culver, but he can't save the county. He isn't smart enough or bold enough to do what needs to be done. After all, he needs this job as do others in his office. He is trying to split the baby and keep everyone happy. The end result will be he'll lose on all sides.

  45. Anonymous said...
    HEY Millinials get 2 jobs like the rest of us did lazy pos.

    June 3, 2016 at 1:01 PM

    That's right! I was married, worked two jobs all while raising two children. Paid off my loans and paid for a Masters Degree. If I can do it anyone can do it.

  46. Only a liberal would think this is a good idea. Bob Culver you have shown your true colors.

  47. 3:55 - my tax dollars help pay your salary. Where do you think your pay check comes from, the good fairy? You may be fed up with your low wages and benefits, but many of the taxpayers are just as fed up with the lazy, shiftless county workers. A little gratitude and customer service would go a long way. But, you think you're owed something. We can't make ends meet and you want more and more. You are part of what is wrong in this county.

  48. Anonymous said...
    if Mike dunn from greater sby would stop trying to twist culvers arm we may see some real action from culver on this issue.

    June 3, 2016 at 2:39 PM

    I heard Bob Culver and Ray Hoy got Mike Dunn and the "Greater Salisbury Committee" to send letters of support to the County Council for this failed Welfare attempt. First of all only an idiot would listen to anything coming from Mike Dunn. Bob Culver WTH are you thinking?? You have jumped right in bed with the Barrie Tilghman Regime. You hired Paul Wilbur's firm illegally and now you are sucking up to Mike Dunn. Haven't you paid attention to the failed leadership of Barrie Tilghman and her Lapdogs! Have you lost your mind? Anyone with a brain to think on their own won't have anything to do with Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Bubba Comegys or Paul Wilbur and his Lackeys!!

  49. Anonymous said...
    Everyone seems to be forgetting that unlike your generation we can't pay for our college on one job, full time let alone 2. You just want to gripe about how undeserving we are as millenials. You're all just bitter old farts

    June 3, 2016 at 2:51 PM

    If you can't afford college or you don't have enough sense to find a way to pay for it then shame on you. You don't deserve my hard earned money. I worked full time and had several part time jobs while I went to college and it was less than 10 years ago you young PUNK! Now take your Homo butt back to Rehoboth Beach.

  50. Anonymous said...
    This is what the futurists said would happen. The senior baby boomers and the upcoming millinials would fight each other to see who would benefit the most from the collected tax dollars.

    I am a baby boomer but I am glad I did well enough in the 20th century that I don't have to kick millinials and fight for scrapes like a lot of these baby boomers here apparently do who were not able then or are not able now to get it together so they can live comfortably.

    June 3, 2016 at 3:43 PM

    I'm not sure what your point is, but I am glad you got it off your chest.

  51. All I can say is that I am very disappointed in my soon to be ex County Executive.

  52. All have equal opportunity to study hard in school, get good grades, and seek scholarships, grants, etc. Work part-time and go to college like many of us had to do. How about the colleges and universities lower tuition fees so that it's affordable to continue education, especially in this poor state of the economy!

  53. I think it is time that the public was made aware of just how much money is being paid out to retirees and employees. i'm not talking about finding it buried in a budget, but a separate easy to understand report. From what I understand, it would blow the lid off this burg. Culver why don't you expose those who caused all of this? You will lose your job, as in not being re-elected, over the hole they dug and Pollitt helped create by passing out shovels. You need to wise up, cut out the lame piddly crap and do something meaningful. When "pillars" of the community are claiming residence in other counties or states, this place has no chance and more and more are leaving. Free college won't fix that. You sold us on being a businessman, although many pointed out your failed businesses, now I'm starting to get it.

    1. Not regular employees, try the teachers union and administration.

  54. Funny how there was not this much outrage when this plan was first proposed. Wor wic costs 3000 per year. Full time at minimum wage nets roughly 15,000 per year. Couple cheap tuition, a few scholarships, and some responsible parent budgeting and this is easily affordable for any family. Those who are too lazy or irresponsible to pay for that themselves are already subsidized by the federal government in nearly every aspect of their lives, including college tuition. Tell me why our 'conservative'county must chip in.

  55. Looks as if Culver is under the spell of the Greater Salisbury Committee and the Chamber of Commerce
    Not so long ago Mike Dunn was slamming Culver on Facebook now he is sucking up to him. Same as with Colburn about the West Salisbury School. Your picking the wrong crowd Mr. Culver these assholes did not support you nor did they vote for you, they are just trying to make you feel important.

    Robert Culver is facing forcloser on two of his properties and he is looking for a bank to bail him out. Enter Marty Neat president of First Shore Federal also a crony of Norm Conway the great supporter of education and liberal spending. Now Culver is looking to Neat whom just happens to be an officer at the Greater Salisbury Committee to bail him out. Neat went on Pac 14 at a hearing begging for this, enough said.

    1. You're wasting your breath. Culver was always a poor choice. He claims to be a builder...?BS he invested in a housing development. Doesn't make him a builder. He claimed to have a limousine company....had 1 car. His restaraunt is hemorrhaging money....great choice to be the County Exec huh?
      They were warned and chose not to listen.

  57. Most US colleges provide Free Sex Education, the co-ed dorm rooms are the onsite classrooms!

  58. Can this be moved to the top please? Thank you.

  59. Isn't that what culver was trying to do to county employees when he first assumed his position as county executive, reduce employees benefits.

  60. While Culver was on the council he voted against every pay raise that was proposed for county employees. He campaigned on removing the employees birthday if he was elected and had it #1 on his list of accomplishments for his first year in office.The current 3% wage increase proposed will be short lived only 8 weeks in short of insurance benefits expanding 6% so just another 3% in the hole. The people who would have gotten this free education would have soon left the area like Joe says with no remorse what so ever.I predict by the time Culver is done most county departments will be down to just skeleton crews and part time employees with no benefits. I just hope the new insurance benefits for the retirees works out for them because these people have paid there dues and i hate to see something taken from them.

  61. Anonymous said...
    The 911 department just set off 5 sets of tones just for one ambulance call. What the Hell have you got going on there Bob Culver. You want to give away $1 million dollars a year to anyone that applies for it and you have a rogue EMS program going on in the County. How about taking over the County wide EMS and save some lives.

    June 3, 2016 at 3:49 PM

    I have to agree with this comment. The way the ambulance service is ran in this county is atrocious. If you want to do something right Bob Culver then you need to invest something in this program. You are throwing money out the window when you give them anything they ask for and you don't have any accountability to you. Why doesn't that program fall under your office instead of throwing so much money at them for ambulances and fire trucks. Everyone of those fire departments have bought brand new SUV 4x4 command vehicles. They get your tax dollars and then bill the patient almost $800 for a ride in the ambulance to the hospital. Why am I paying taxes for the fire and ambulance and then I get an ambulance bill. Are you crazy.

    1. You have no idea how the system operates. Or how the accountability works.

    2. No obamacare insurance and pvt insurance pay for it NOBODY pays out of pocket that ls why people abuse the system .

  62. State and federal government has much better benefits. Some incompetent in county HR wants everyone to think county is the best in pay and benefits, but only a few receive good pay. sheriffs office is unionized. Screw all other county employees. Look up some of the salaries that HR Director, Finance Director, etc make, it's all public information.

  63. "The scholarship plan could be passed with the budget, Cannon said, if Culver provides details about who would receive scholarships based on household income and other particulars, including possibly requiring internships and apprenticeships.

    Culver said he has no plan to send anything back to the council."

    This is a quote from that Bassett newspaper. Culver said he has no plan to send anything back to the council??? Sounds like some political grandstanding to me!! If Culver really had this in his heart to "help the people" of Wicomico County he would send back what they were asking for. Culver doesn't play well in the sandbox.

  64. County employees and council had a chance to get rid of HR Director who was behind benefit reductions and they approved to keep her on. Culver is no better. You get what you vote for.

    1. Trust me, as a County employee, if I had the choice to get rid of Michele Ennis (HR director), I'd do it in a heartbeat.

  65. "Culver said the cost of scholarships to the county would have been made up through taxes graduates paid, once they begin working and living in the area. Hoy has predicted that 95 percent of students who study there will stay in the area."

    This is the dumbest plan I have ever seen in my life. Ok let's buy people houses to live in and the cost of their mortgages will be made up through taxes from the new home owners who mooched off the county for a free house.

  66. Anonymous said...
    Your roads suck because of the loss of Highway User Revenues, which was a state decision. And don't worry, County employees are finding other jobs, all the employees that are useless are the ones that stay because they can't find a job anywhere else.

    June 3, 2016 at 3:04 PM

    No our roads suck because the County Executive decided to spend money on other pay backs instead of fixing the roads. Those Highway User Funds were taken away a long time ago and only an idiot would sit around hoping they would mysteriously reappear without doing anything about it. Since there was so much revenue in the county this year why didn't Bob fix the roads instead of paying back favors to the Sheriff Mike Lewis and the FOP. The ranking officers in the FOP are getting nice pay raises even though they were not part of the FOP. Some of those salaries are way over $100,000 per year.

    1. BS Rick money bags Pollitt spent the county money on covering bar tabs for his employees.

  67. 5:57 - what would blow your mind is retirement of Shea, Creamer, Peterson, Baker, Mackes, Terrell. Talk about golden parachutes. We are stuck paying for them for life. Oh, and let's not forget Pollitt keeping Fineran until his 5 year vesting, so we are paying for him for life too.

    BTW Strasburg needs to go before we are stuck with him for life too.

  68. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I think it is time that the public was made aware of just how much money is being paid out to retirees and employees. i'm not talking about finding it buried in a budget, but a separate easy to understand report. From what I understand, it would blow the lid off this burg. Culver why don't you expose those who caused all of this? You will lose your job, as in not being re-elected, over the hole they dug and Pollitt helped create by passing out shovels. You need to wise up, cut out the lame piddly crap and do something meaningful. When "pillars" of the community are claiming residence in other counties or states, this place has no chance and more and more are leaving. Free college won't fix that. You sold us on being a businessman, although many pointed out your failed businesses, now I'm starting to get it.

    June 3, 2016 at 4:28 PM

    STFU!! Those retirees earned their retirement and they deserved it. You are just an uneducated high school drop out that is jealous that City, County, State and Federal employees get a retirement. You are jealous because you were to dumb to pass the test.

    Sorry for you luck Bozo!! Better get that free education and get a county job :-D

  69. What don't you get about this county can't afford to keep paying benefits at the rate we are? Check out the private sector. You are lucky you've had it good this long. You all need to wake up and deal with reality and stop blaming the HR Director. She understands the growing expense and is actually trying to do something about it before the county explodes. Also, it wouldn't have been pursued without Culver's blessing. The light at the end of the tunnel is a train that is going to take this county out.

    1. 6:52 PM Great comment, Michele.

      There's a reason the entire GOB talks about you behind your back.

  70. To all the posters commenting about Dunn, Chamber, SWED, etc. Culver and his staff are being played, but they are too caught up in their own self-importance to get it. Have you checked out his facebook page? That should be telling him something. If people don't want to be identified as liking your posts, you've got a real problem.

  71. The roads suck because of 8 years that O'Malley and Mr. Miller stole funds to feed their pet (kickback) projects at the State level. I've escaped to Delaware where driveways are repaved more often than MD roads. Will never go back.

  72. Who want to live in Wicomico County, made up by taxes once they graduate. I guess $15 for fast food workers will be needed. Jobs have left and aren't coming back 6:29

  73. Anonymous said...
    Trade school all the way, anything other than trade school, a great big NO.

    June 3, 2016 at 4:04 PM

    Most businesses that need skilled workers will pay for their trade school if they work for them anyway.

    Look at Toroid Corporation because they pay for employees to go to school. PRMC, Genesis, and Deers Head pays for nursing school so I say no to paying for Trade Schools.

  74. 6:34 is either culver or one of his flunkies! Thanks for not being afraid to post criticism against Culver.

    $500,000 a year off of college parents $...)

  76. Anonymous said...
    3:55 - my tax dollars help pay your salary. Where do you think your pay check comes from, the good fairy? You may be fed up with your low wages and benefits, but many of the taxpayers are just as fed up with the lazy, shiftless county workers. A little gratitude and customer service would go a long way. But, you think you're owed something. We can't make ends meet and you want more and more. You are part of what is wrong in this county.

    June 3, 2016 at 4:15 PM

    I'm 3:55 and I am not a county employee and never have been. Like I said who are you? Name names? I know who you are because you whine to everyone that you couldn't get a county job and that is why you hate them. I am a tax payer and so are the county employees. This has nothing to do with your crybaby lost jobs it is about free college tuition.

  77. All of these comments are because of low wage jobs and high taxes. Wicomico County taxpayers can't stand any more. We need a highly skilled business person to run this county. Sadly, that is not what we got in the last election.

    1. Yeah for 80k. Good luck with that candidate search. Bob has done a great job. If you don't like the Wor-Wic idea, just accept the do the same and get the same results concept. Wicomico needs to grow its economy. I am glad Bob is trying to innovate. Bob will have no problem in the next election. The "you lost my family vote" person says says this on every Bob post. You never had that 1 vote Bob.

  78. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What don't you get about this county can't afford to keep paying benefits at the rate we are? Check out the private sector. You are lucky you've had it good this long. You all need to wake up and deal with reality and stop blaming the HR Director. She understands the growing expense and is actually trying to do something about it before the county explodes. Also, it wouldn't have been pursued without Culver's blessing. The light at the end of the tunnel is a train that is going to take this county out.

    June 3, 2016 at 6:52 PM

    You need to quit hijacking this thread, it has nothing to do with County benefits. Why would the HR Director to something to screw up her benefits. You are nothing but a creep and you should mind your own business before you get Bob booted out during the next election.

  79. 6:50 - very classy. You must be a product of the Wicomico County school system and a stellar county employee. No wonder people are leaving this place.

  80. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Funny how there was not this much outrage when this plan was first proposed. Wor wic costs 3000 per year. Full time at minimum wage nets roughly 15,000 per year. Couple cheap tuition, a few scholarships, and some responsible parent budgeting and this is easily affordable for any family. Those who are too lazy or irresponsible to pay for that themselves are already subsidized by the federal government in nearly every aspect of their lives, including college tuition. Tell me why our 'conservative'county must chip in.

    June 3, 2016 at 4:33 PM

    I'm loving how you are thinking because this is exactly how I am thinking. Trust me when I tell you free money isn't going to make someone go to college. If they want to go to college they will make a run for it anyway. I did and I have a graduate degree. If you want to go you will find a way.

  81. Ha Ha Ha plenty of jobs if a person wants to work....problem is these kids get free hand-outs then expect them for life, just want a job with big paycheck and minimal effort! Nothing wrong with hard work and paying your own bills. WE CALL IT LIFE!!!!

    1. AKA Millinials.

    2. How about RAISE only the college punks parents taxes.

  82. The County should simply ask current employees to reapply for their jobs while inviting outside applicants. That will shut down the bitching from existing employees and may even permit a lower cost workforce through their replacements.

    Those that mention the astronomical increase in college tuitions, they are right. I went through Hopkins when it was a $25/credit. I paid my own way because I could afford it. Government has since gotten involved with the colleges, actually giving them money when they train kids for a non-existing career. Nuclear Engineer - We don't need anymore. Hotel Management - We don't need anymore. Transgender Management - Don't need many of those either. If the Government gives any money to colleges, it should only be for curriculums where there is a need for employees.

  83. Where did Bernie Culver get this idea from? Surely he didn't think of it himself. Maybe Bernie Culver is shooting for the Democrat and Socialist vote at the next election?

  84. There must be some money in it for Ray Hoy. He doesn't do anything unless money is involved.

    Remember when he didn't get that big paying job in Delaware last year.

  85. Many of the needay students qualify for other aid, like Pell grants, assistance through the federally funded Worker Investment Act, etc. If you are motivated and low income, you research these options and find a way to go. I do not want to fund the unmotivated to just take classes for free. Wor Wic tuition is a steal. How do we know that they will even take meaningful, degree seeking classes? How many of these will be straight out of high school that continue at Wor Wic for high school extended (which is all that happens now)? I think Wor Wic may want to seek additional options to bring in more students; however they receive numerous grants to help students finish their degree, etc. It should not be on the taxpayers dime.

  86. Millennials get a bad wrap sometimes. 7:50 is correct. Government intervention in an area that is not constitutionally authorized has caused yet another market distortion. Free money and affirmative action has led to a higher demand for college entrance and, therefore, higher tuition. This leads to a lack of competition and no push for colleges to control costs.

    1. A bad "wrap"....? Switch eating establishments!

  87. 7:55pm Spot on! Ray Hoy is in it for the $$$$$. Just check into why he didn't get the job in Delaware. It's interesting. Culver has teamed up with the wrong people. You go Joe & tell it like it is. He has screwed you over many times. And, how he talks about you behind you back would make you sick.

  88. Bob Culver has really turned out to be a disappointment to me. First there was Grades 1-12 paid for by the public. Then there was Kindergarden - and - Grades 1-12 paid for by the public. Then - there was pre-kindergarden - Kindergarden and Grades 1 - 12 paid for by the public.

    Now - there is Pre-Kindergarden - Kindergarden, and Grades 1 - 12 paid for by the public - PLUS - we are now paying for the education of all the illegals.

    WHAT IN THE HECK GIVES???? Is there no longer any fiscal sanity????

    1. Ok, and this is Culver? How?

  89. This is focused towards high school graduates. No felonies. This would have been a great assistance to our two income, one child, tax paying, home owning family of Wicomico county. Of course we will explore all options for financial aid. But. This would have helped for the first two years, then a transfer to a four year university.

    Will my son return to this area to live? I don't know. Depends on his career path and job availability.

  90. These comments should be a wake up call to Culver.

    We need real economic growth. How about spending the money to recruit new businesses or offer incentives to locate here. As was once so famously said, "it's the economy stupid". Well guess what? That quote from Bill Clinton's presidential campaign holds true today, especially in this county.

  91. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? So we are going to offer free tuition to create an educated workforce, who will find no jobs here because there aren't any, so they end up taking their FREE education and leaving the area.

    What an investment strategy! Sounds like Trump University.

  92. Anonymous said...
    To all the posters commenting about Dunn, Chamber, SWED, etc. Culver and his staff are being played, but they are too caught up in their own self-importance to get it. Have you checked out his facebook page? That should be telling him something. If people don't want to be identified as liking your posts, you've got a real problem.

    June 3, 2016 at 7:00 PM

    Not sure what you just said. Can you please elaborate.

  93. Anonymous said...
    As a matter of fact, the company made a reasonable offer, and I expect it will be ratified soon. Meanwhile we are happy to be back at work.

    How long to recoup our lost wages? Considering their ridiculous "last best final offer", not long, compared to the amount we'd be losing every year in deductibles and so on.

    Next time you have to call us, you can thank us for fighting to answer your call, instead of Suripat or Dong Ju or Namdu.

    June 3, 2016 at 4:19 PM


  94. Anonymous said...
    State and federal government has much better benefits. Some incompetent in county HR wants everyone to think county is the best in pay and benefits, but only a few receive good pay. sheriffs office is unionized. Screw all other county employees. Look up some of the salaries that HR Director, Finance Director, etc make, it's all public information.

    June 3, 2016 at 5:57 PM

    Yea I saw that Bob Culver gave his new female Finance Director $25,000 more than the male Finance Director he just fired and she came from the Hillbilly Northhampton County Virginia. I thought when you hired a new person for a position you just fired the position from you pay them less money. Not the conservative Bob Culver. Just Kidding. He's not really conservative at all.

  95. Anonymous said...
    County employees and council had a chance to get rid of HR Director who was behind benefit reductions and they approved to keep her on. Culver is no better. You get what you vote for.

    June 3, 2016 at 6:24 PM

    What are you trying to say. Please explain? How did the county employees have a chance to get rid of the HR Director?

  96. Anonymous said...
    You're clueless smh

    June 3, 2016 at 6:36 PM

    Who is clueless?? What are you talking about? Don't you have enough sense to copy the comment you are referring to or at least write the time and date of the comment? Sounds like you are the clueless one... SMH

  97. Anonymous said...
    5:57 - what would blow your mind is retirement of Shea, Creamer, Peterson, Baker, Mackes, Terrell. Talk about golden parachutes. We are stuck paying for them for life. Oh, and let's not forget Pollitt keeping Fineran until his 5 year vesting, so we are paying for him for life too.

    BTW Strasburg needs to go before we are stuck with him for life too.

    June 3, 2016 at 6:48 PM

    No it won't blow anyones mind you stupid moron. The county retirement system was paid into like an investment plan and they paid into it as well as put in 30 years of their lives or longer as hard working employees of the County. This is the way it goes and it is obvious YOU have a problem with it and it is my concern that the problem you have is over jealousy because you weren't smart enough to get a county job. Let it be you stupid moron. They worked their butts off for the county and deserve the retirements just like anyone does. Move along and quit hijacking this damn thread you silly pathetic little fool!!

  98. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The roads suck because of 8 years that O'Malley and Mr. Miller stole funds to feed their pet (kickback) projects at the State level. I've escaped to Delaware where driveways are repaved more often than MD roads. Will never go back.

    June 3, 2016 at 7:05 PM

    That's right it did happen under the Owe'Malley, Busch, Miller leardership, but that was 10 years ago and you have poor leadership running your county including your dear County Executive that has been sitting around for the last 10 years hoping those Highway User Funds would just come back and repair 10 years worth of bad roads over night. Guess what, it was obvious for years these funds weren't coming back you your local elected leaders should have planned better. This year isn't any different. No funds going into roads, but the Sheriff's Office is getting 10 brand new sport utility vehicles, pay raises, the Drop Program with a guaranteed payback, WCSO leadership getting pay raises to "catch them up" and many departments are getting new trucks and new employees just because they asked and some of them are political paybacks. So now you know why your roads are bad.

    This is a fact, watch PAC 14, read the minutes and the budget online. But their are no tax increases this year thanks to you County Executive that wants you to pay for free scholarships to people who have not paid on single dollar in taxes in Wicomico County or done nothing for the county. They don't have to pay it back and even illegal aliens kids can get the free money as long as they have been in Wicomico schools for the last 2 years. Not 12 years, but the last 2 years. This is a JOKE and Bob is going to have a hard time getting re-elected with this one.

  99. Anonymous said...
    Who want to live in Wicomico County, made up by taxes once they graduate. I guess $15 for fast food workers will be needed. Jobs have left and aren't coming back 6:29

    June 3, 2016 at 7:07 PM

    You are 100% correct except the $15 fast food jobs will be replaced by kiosks.

  100. Anonymous said...
    You have no idea how the system operates. Or how the accountability works.

    June 3, 2016 at 6:55 PM

    What are you talking about??

  101. Anonymous said...
    $500,000 a year off of college parents $...)

    June 3, 2016 at 7:10 PM

    And she earned it. Don't be hating.

    If you want to be hating you should be hating on Peggy Nappyhead who runs PRMC because she make $800,000 per year and you wonder why your hospital bills are so high!

  102. Anonymous said...
    6:34 is either culver or one of his flunkies! Thanks for not being afraid to post criticism against Culver.

    June 3, 2016 at 7:08 PM

    WTH!! Why would Culver criticize himself on here?

  103. Anonymous said...
    BS Rick money bags Pollitt spent the county money on covering bar tabs for his employees.

    June 3, 2016 at 7:12 PM

    WTH are you talking about?? We the readers have no idea WTH you are referring to?? Is it to hard to copy and paste the comment you are referring to?

  104. Anonymous said...
    6:50 - very classy. You must be a product of the Wicomico County school system and a stellar county employee. No wonder people are leaving this place.

    June 3, 2016 at 7:23 PM

    No, but maybe an intelligent county tax payer who knows how the business world and the world of government employees work. To bad you don't have enough sense to educate yourself on County issues. To bad you are not intelligent enough to educate yourself. Now move along Bozo and quit trying to hijack this thread. Start your own you dumb moron and get back to talking about the insanity of this stupid free money scholarship scam that Culver wants to give away.

  105. Anonymous said...
    No obamacare insurance and pvt insurance pay for it NOBODY pays out of pocket that ls why people abuse the system .

    June 3, 2016 at 7:15 PM


    Will you people quit being lazy and make reference to the comment you are referring to!

    1. June 4 ..530 a.m. on my phone comments that are "replys" to comments show up under the original comment. On my laptop they just appear in chronological order..not under their original comment. This is the reason for your confusion I think.

  106. Anonymous said...
    How about RAISE only the college punks parents taxes.

    June 3, 2016 at 7:50 PM

    Sounds good to me, but that wouldn't be enought to pay the millions that Bob wants to spend.

  107. Anonymous said...
    All of these comments are because of low wage jobs and high taxes. Wicomico County taxpayers can't stand any more. We need a highly skilled business person to run this county. Sadly, that is not what we got in the last election.

    June 3, 2016 at 7:19 PM

    I have to agree with you somewhat, but that is not what we had either. What we need is someone that has the skills, education and vision for a County that is going to bring jobs here and someone that knows the system. Not someone that doesn't want to be "embarrassed a second time because Harris Teeter doesn't want to come here." IF Harris Teeter chose not to come here I can assure it is not because some young punks didn't get a worthless 2 year education and some low level community college. Wor Wic Community College has an embarrassing name. LMBO. Warwick as some think you said, but Wor Wic. Maybe the name is the reason people don't want to go to that lame low level college. To bad someone already got the name Chesapeake College or Eastern Shore Community College. I'm not a fan of the Seagulls either, but Wor Wic is embarrassing. Chesapeake College is a catchy name. I would bet if they came up with a great name and marketed their name they would see an increase in enrollment. Heck does Wor Wic Community College even have a mascot.

    Anyway let's get back to the real reason that Harris Teeter doesn't want to come here and that is because the crime rate in the City of Salisbury is to high. They can't go out and build in the County because they need the City Services that Salisbury provides and that ain't going to change any time soon. Bob Culver and Jake Day are both trying to do something they can't do. We call it pipe dreaming and they both are not leaders and shouldn't be in their positions.

  108. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Ha Ha Ha plenty of jobs if a person wants to work....problem is these kids get free hand-outs then expect them for life, just want a job with big paycheck and minimal effort! Nothing wrong with hard work and paying your own bills. WE CALL IT LIFE!!!!

    June 3, 2016 at 7:35 PM

    Most of these kids aren't working and that is the reason why Ocean City has to hire employees from Russia and surrounding countries. We live in an age and an area where these kids don't have to work because they spend there days on Xbox and video games all day because they don't want to work. So what makes Bob Culver think that these same kids are going to go to Wor Wic, get a useless 2 year degree, get a job and buy a house and pay taxes that will pay back that free tuition. Most kids don't want to work and if they did get a job they wouldn't be able to afford to buy a house so Bob Culvers plan is Bogus! He is nothing but a con artist that buffaloed the voters and not trying to buffalo the tax payers.

    Call your County Council rep and tell them you don't want this program.

  109. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The roads suck because of 8 years that O'Malley and Mr. Miller stole funds to feed their pet (kickback) projects at the State level. I've escaped to Delaware where driveways are repaved more often than MD roads. Will never go back.

    June 3, 2016 at 7:05 PM

    Bob Culver has had 2 years to work on this problem instead of worrying about his political pay backs with the sheriff's office. He didn't have to suck up to them, Pollitt didn't and he got re-elected until this Republican Tsunami. Bob just lucked out during this election.

  110. Anonymous said...
    The County should simply ask current employees to reapply for their jobs while inviting outside applicants. That will shut down the bitching from existing employees and may even permit a lower cost workforce through their replacements.

    Those that mention the astronomical increase in college tuitions, they are right. I went through Hopkins when it was a $25/credit. I paid my own way because I could afford it. Government has since gotten involved with the colleges, actually giving them money when they train kids for a non-existing career. Nuclear Engineer - We don't need anymore. Hotel Management - We don't need anymore. Transgender Management - Don't need many of those either. If the Government gives any money to colleges, it should only be for curriculums where there is a need for employees.

    June 3, 2016 at 7:50 PM

    Ask County employees to re-apply for their jobs? That is a dumb comment you ignorant moron and has nothing to do with the economic college scholarship. Go back to bed you dumb old fart.

    1. Great idea!!! Bet the new applicants would be harder working and not bitch about there benefits

  111. Anonymous said...

    Where did Bernie Culver get this idea from? Surely he didn't think of it himself. Maybe Bernie Culver is shooting for the Democrat and Socialist vote at the next election?

    June 3, 2016 at 7:54 PM

    Bernie Culver... that is so funny and so fitting for him.

  112. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Many of the needay students qualify for other aid, like Pell grants, assistance through the federally funded Worker Investment Act, etc. If you are motivated and low income, you research these options and find a way to go. I do not want to fund the unmotivated to just take classes for free. Wor Wic tuition is a steal. How do we know that they will even take meaningful, degree seeking classes? How many of these will be straight out of high school that continue at Wor Wic for high school extended (which is all that happens now)? I think Wor Wic may want to seek additional options to bring in more students; however they receive numerous grants to help students finish their degree, etc. It should not be on the taxpayers dime.

    June 3, 2016 at 8:02 PM

    I agree with you on this one 100%. If it is all about getting more students to attend college then that is the job of the high schools they are attending. That is why we are paying high school guidance councilors big bucks to guide and direct our children to go to college, to find a college to attend and to help them find funding for that college choice. If you can not afford the University of North Carolina then you try Salisbury University. If you can't afford Salisbury University then you attend Wor Wic Community College or you join the military and go to college on the GI Bill. If that doesn't work for you then you do what many people do these days, you work and save up for college or you find one of the many jobs that has college tuition assistance programs.

  113. Anonymous said...
    Yeah for 80k. Good luck with that candidate search. Bob has done a great job. If you don't like the Wor-Wic idea, just accept the do the same and get the same results concept. Wicomico needs to grow its economy. I am glad Bob is trying to innovate. Bob will have no problem in the next election. The "you lost my family vote" person says says this on every Bob post. You never had that 1 vote Bob.

    June 3, 2016 at 8:06 PM

    What are you referring to? I bet you work in Bob's Office part time and know The "you lost my family vote" person doesn't say this on every Bob post and you are dellusional if you think Bob will have an easy election in 2 years.

  114. Anonymous said...
    Millennials get a bad wrap sometimes. 7:50 is correct. Government intervention in an area that is not constitutionally authorized has caused yet another market distortion. Free money and affirmative action has led to a higher demand for college entrance and, therefore, higher tuition. This leads to a lack of competition and no push for colleges to control costs.

    June 3, 2016 at 8:16 PM

    NO Millennials didn't get a bad wrap. The brought it on themselves for being liberal democrats. The problem with expensive tuition is that states and feds gave the colleges permission to keep raising their rates. Bring the cost of college down and no Marc it isn't a steal at Wor Wic.

  115. Anonymous said...
    Yeah for 80k. Good luck with that candidate search. Bob has done a great job. If you don't like the Wor-Wic idea, just accept the do the same and get the same results concept. Wicomico needs to grow its economy. I am glad Bob is trying to innovate. Bob will have no problem in the next election. The "you lost my family vote" person says says this on every Bob post. You never had that 1 vote Bob.

    June 3, 2016 at 8:06 PM

    For 80K what? What are you talking about?? Will you people please start making reference to the post that you are talking about. Your comments make absolutely no sense when you talk.

  116. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Which came first, the chicken or the egg? So we are going to offer free tuition to create an educated workforce, who will find no jobs here because there aren't any, so they end up taking their FREE education and leaving the area.

    What an investment strategy! Sounds like Trump University.

    June 3, 2016 at 9:55 PM

    This has nothing to do with Donald Trump you dumb bozo!

  117. Anonymous said...
    These comments should be a wake up call to Culver.

    We need real economic growth. How about spending the money to recruit new businesses or offer incentives to locate here. As was once so famously said, "it's the economy stupid". Well guess what? That quote from Bill Clinton's presidential campaign holds true today, especially in this county.

    June 3, 2016 at 9:50 PM

    Bob has no clue how to bring jobs to Wicomico County. He got the council to approve funding for a County Economic Development director even though the county is already paying $144,000 for Dave Ryan and SWED now, but he did absolutely nothing and never even hired one. Now he is trying that same stunt again and asking for even more money. That sounds like some sort of scam and a real conservative would not pay for something twice or duplicate services.

  118. Anonymous said...
    6:52 PM Great comment, Michele.

    There's a reason the entire GOB talks about you behind your back.

    June 3, 2016 at 8:41 PM

    I don't think Michelle Ennis is stupid enough to make that comment or think like that. She would be screwing over her own job. I would think that Bob or A.Kaye would make that comment.

  119. Bob Culver has increased spending over $6 Million dollars in 2 years. That is not the Conservative County Executive I voted for. Yes he as lost my vote as well. Can you imagine what we could have done with that $6 to $9 Million Dollars if it was returned to the tax payers and reinvested to stimulate the economy. That would have been best for the tax payers. Bob's philosophy is obviously more closer to Obama, O'Mally, O'Pollitt and O'Liartons.

  120. "Hard working" county employees... That is laughable.

  121. Whoever the person is that keeps insulting other posters calling them "uneducated high school dropouts", bozos, morons, etc. and complains about "hijacking the thread", who do you think you are? Others have just as much right to have an opinion and comment as you do!!!

    If all you can do is write sophomoric attacks, what don't you go to the other blog!?

  122. I just read(in the Daily Rag) where Cannon says it may come back up in about a month or so with more info. Does the council really want to address this hot potato issue again? I certainly hope not. Stay strong those members who voted against this and please don't waste my taxes on this idiotic idea.

  123. What the heck is wrong with the government culture in Wico County? It seems everyone who becomes a part of it loses their mind. Culver is not doing the job most of us expected.

    What he needs is someone who speaks truth to power. Who advises him?

    Other than Strasburg, no one in Culver's office has a college degree, including Culver. As I recall, he went to a 2 year college. Maybe he thinks his "success" with a 2 year education is why his Wor Wic plan is a good one.

    Word of caution to Culver. Many people would not consider your business career successful and the jury is still out on your government success. It ain't looking good buddy.

  124. 8:12 - I completely agree with your comment. Whoever that person is, he/she is making reading this thread more unpleasant than it should be.

    It doesn't offend me if other subjects are thrown into the mix. When you talk about one plan in the County, it needs to be examined in the context of everything else going on and the funds being spent.

    To demean others reflects more on the person doing it and not on the original poster.

  125. Culver at his worst is better than Pollitt and all the good ole boys.

  126. Glad i don't live in Wicomico County, government is not very affective and area lacks real jobs and is to high crime for me.

  127. Anonymous said...
    "Hard working" county employees... That is laughable.

    June 4, 2016 at 7:40 AM

    I'm a County employee. Name names or name a scenario where you've had an experience, stop throwing around all of these baseless lies. Most of my coworkers are the most hard working and caring employees I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and working with. They care about the County and certainly don't do it for the money. Are there some bad apples? Sure. There are in any business/government you go to. But that definitely does not overshadow the good work most County employees do.

    I love it when posts come up about the County Executive, it gives people a chance to bash the County employees, call us lazy, overpaid, and that we need to reapply for our own jobs. It really makes me feel like my long hours, including late nights, early mornings, and sometimes weekend work (unpaid weekend work, no comp time because Bob eliminated that) is really going toward the greater good, judging by the comments on here.

  128. I can see this being the top comment for tomorrow's weekly round up.

    Move it to the top so we can see more comments.

  129. Anonymous said...
    Culver at his worst is better than Pollitt and all the good ole boys.

    June 4, 2016 at 9:25 AM

    Good try, but at least you knew when Pollitt was going to rip off the tax payers.

  130. Anonymous said...
    "Hard working" county employees... That is laughable.

    June 4, 2016 at 7:40 AM

    I know a lot of hard working County employees and you should be ashamed of yourself. I will take a county employee over a city employee any day, especially one from the Salisbury Fire Department.

  131. 9:59 you don't get comp time? What about overtime? Or are you considered salary? I wonder what do department heads make compared to employees. Is it true they still have two deputy director at detention center? I know this post was about free college, but the blogs fail to realize culver and the county leadership is the real story.

  132. I am with you on this one Joe, staff, et al. This is not the legacy Bob should be leaving behind.

    Ray Hoy is one sneaky dude!

  133. Does anyone doubt that Wicomico County is going down the tubes? Culver is blowing his chance. The question is, do you sell now and lose money on your house or wait and sell later, hoping for some miraculous re-couping of your investment? Just like in the presidential election - THERE ARE NO GOOD OPTIONS!!!

  134. there is getting ready to be some full time jobs open in rec and parks real soon if anyone is interested, they pay good money, you can clear $300 a week

  135. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    June 4 ..530 a.m. on my phone comments that are "replys" to comments show up under the original comment. On my laptop they just appear in chronological order..not under their original comment. This is the reason for your confusion I think.

    June 4, 2016 at 8:00 AM

    Ok Sounds right. I wonder why a computer wouldn't see that same view. Does anyone else know?

  136. Anonymous said...
    I just read(in the Daily Rag) where Cannon says it may come back up in about a month or so with more info. Does the council really want to address this hot potato issue again? I certainly hope not. Stay strong those members who voted against this and please don't waste my taxes on this idiotic idea.

    June 4, 2016 at 8:17 AM

    I am calling my County Rep. now. Thank you for posting.

  137. 12:01
    Phones and computer use different browsers. Some things that work on computers don't work on phones unless you get an app. It just to drive us all crazy :)

  138. "The idea for the scholarship plan began in February, when Culver proposed spending $1.46 million on a scholaship plan, with $252,000 being funded the first year, based on each student carrying 27 credits; $540,000 the second year, based on 27 credits; and $665,000 the third year, based on 27 credits for first and second-year students and 12 credits for third-year students."

    Culver planned on spending $1.46 million of Other Peoples Money(OPM). This is a very progressive move that only a Democrat would do.

  139. @ 10:47 - It is open knowledge what department heads make, perhaps it is time for Joe to request this information and post it on the website. I'm sure we'd be in for a shock, if the comments here are any indication!

  140. 1:31 - I'd like to see what retirees receive. I also would like to know the dollar amount of checks written by name to pay the retired department heads for comp time and unused leave. Department Heads should be salaried. Charging comp time to go to night meetings including council meetings is disgraceful. That should be a part of your job, just like in the business world. The inequity between the department heads and other staff is caused by this and other unfair practices. The Matt Creamers and his ilk put this gross abuse of taxpayer dollars into effect.

    If Culver wants to be a hero, he should expose this and clean it up. The employees know how the department heads have screwed them over. Let the taxpayers know too.

    Want to win hearts and minds Culver? Stop protecting the good old boys or are you turning in to one too?

  141. Inquiring minds want to know. What is Culver's rationale for proposing free tuition? Is it because he has failed in other areas of economic development and he thinks this will win people over? Not all of us just fell off a watermelon truck. We know lack of leadership, lack of imagination and most of all FAILURE when we see it.

  142. 300 a week at rec and parks! oh yea! That way me gots to get my ports and my 24oz natty daddy life is good in dabury.

  143. Anonymous said...
    8:12 - I completely agree with your comment. Whoever that person is, he/she is making reading this thread more unpleasant than it should be.

    It doesn't offend me if other subjects are thrown into the mix. When you talk about one plan in the County, it needs to be examined in the context of everything else going on and the funds being spent.

    To demean others reflects more on the person doing it and not on the original poster.

    June 4, 2016 at 8:32 AM

    8:32 and 8:12 are the same person trying to make someone think that others might agree that it's Ok for this Moron to hijack this thread. No it is not Ok for you to "throw in other subjects." If you want a topic then call Joe Albero and he will give you a thumbs up or thumbs down. Now if you want to keep being an ignorant moron we are going to continue to call you out on your stupid BullSh*t! Now stick with the thread or I will start naming names. I know who you are and I will call you out with your full name and where to find you!

  144. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    "Hard working" county employees... That is laughable.

    June 4, 2016 at 7:40 AM

    I'm a County employee. Name names or name a scenario where you've had an experience, stop throwing around all of these baseless lies. Most of my coworkers are the most hard working and caring employees I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and working with. They care about the County and certainly don't do it for the money. Are there some bad apples? Sure. There are in any business/government you go to. But that definitely does not overshadow the good work most County employees do.

    I love it when posts come up about the County Executive, it gives people a chance to bash the County employees, call us lazy, overpaid, and that we need to reapply for our own jobs. It really makes me feel like my long hours, including late nights, early mornings, and sometimes weekend work (unpaid weekend work, no comp time because Bob eliminated that) is really going toward the greater good, judging by the comments on here.

    June 4, 2016 at 9:59 AM

    It's the same person over and over again and I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a council member or a close friend to one. You can bet it is Bob's close circle.

  145. Joe could you post department heads salaries? I'd like to see what my tax dollar are paying out.

  146. Anonymous said...
    9:59 you don't get comp time? What about overtime? Or are you considered salary? I wonder what do department heads make compared to employees. Is it true they still have two deputy director at detention center? I know this post was about free college, but the blogs fail to realize culver and the county leadership is the real story.

    June 4, 2016 at 10:47 AM

    8:12, 8:32, 10:47... the same person trying to hijack this thread again. I think this illiterate moron couldn't get a county job and is very jealous of county employees.

  147. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    @ 10:47 - It is open knowledge what department heads make, perhaps it is time for Joe to request this information and post it on the website. I'm sure we'd be in for a shock, if the comments here are any indication!

    June 4, 2016 at 1:31 PM

    8:12, 8:32, 10:47, now 1:31pm all the same person. He thinks everyone is stupid. He definitely has a hard on for the county employees.

  148. There have been several comments about the disparity between department heads and employees. In general I would say, "bosses" do get more pay. However, some posts mention comp time and other things. Why would higher paid staff receive chargeable comp time and not be salaried employees? If it is true that department heads got comp time for attending council meetings, the public needs to know. That should never have been allowed. Attending council meetings should be a required part of the job description for no "extra" pay.

    I voted for Culver because he was going to bring a business mind set. It seems his small business experience isn't getting the job done. Perhaps he should speak with some large businesses and corporations about how they handle salaried vs. hourly employees and the cost of benefits for employees.

  149. Anonymous said...
    Does anyone doubt that Wicomico County is going down the tubes? Culver is blowing his chance. The question is, do you sell now and lose money on your house or wait and sell later, hoping for some miraculous re-couping of your investment? Just like in the presidential election - THERE ARE NO GOOD OPTIONS!!!

    June 4, 2016 at 11:49 AM

    If the County Council allows Pretty Boi Ray Hoy to have his Economic College Scholarship fund we are moving and we will help their opponents defeat them in the next election.

  150. 8:27am I really did expect Bob Culver to do much better and relieve Wayne Strausburg of his duties after 6 months because he was on a role. Then Bob realized that Strausburg was a yes man and Bob had no idea how to run the county. Bob realized the County would be a quicker failure if Strausburg wasn't there for him. It's been nearly 2 years and Strausburg is still there. Joe and company did a great job catching and exposing Strausburg of his drinking and driving in a County vehicle. Even caught him hiding the county vehicle several times while getting drunk at the Back Street Grill. That hasn't stopped Wayne from drinking and driving because I have seen him drunk many times. Bob is looking like a failure more and more every day.

  151. How many county employees does it take to drag a ballfield??????????

    1. It depends on how far you want to drag it? Down the street?? Next town over??

  152. Anonymous said...
    There have been several comments about the disparity between department heads and employees. In general I would say, "bosses" do get more pay. However, some posts mention comp time and other things. Why would higher paid staff receive chargeable comp time and not be salaried employees? If it is true that department heads got comp time for attending council meetings, the public needs to know. That should never have been allowed. Attending council meetings should be a required part of the job description for no "extra" pay.

    I voted for Culver because he was going to bring a business mind set. It seems his small business experience isn't getting the job done. Perhaps he should speak with some large businesses and corporations about how they handle salaried vs. hourly employees and the cost of benefits for employees.

    June 4, 2016 at 5:02 PM

    You want to stop paying comp time for county council night meetings??? Make them go back to having them during the day like they used to be. There is no need to have those meetings at night when hardly anyone goes to those meetings and they have the opportunity to watch them on PAC 14 anyway. If they go back to the day meetings then all the staff wouldn't have to be there and you wouldn't have to pay them.

  153. 4:41, You sound like you have CONTROL of this Blog. How dare you threaten ANYONE while remaining anonymous. You also make it sound as if you have some kind of control over me. You'll expose NO ONE as NO ONE knows who any anonymous commenter is.

  154. 6:07 PM I think 4:41 is right on the money. I don't see where they have control of your blog. They said to contact YOU so that doesn't mean someone else has control of this blog or the blubber blogger.

  155. Thanks for clarifying Joe. I found the several comments by that person to be uncalled for, especially the threats.

  156. Bob - think you need to regroup buddy!

  157. 5:28 if Culver doesn't know how things work by now without having Wayne hold his hand, he needs to just quit. What are the department heads for? They should be able to advise Culver. Ricky boy is the one who grew that office into more than was designed. Fineran and Lee-Brooks helped cost him re-election. Strausburg may cost Culver, if he doesn't do something before Wayne is vested. And, judging from the comments on this post, Culver has plenty of other problems too.

  158. how many county employees does it take to fill a pothole?

    1. Depends how much pot is in the hole???

  159. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Inquiring minds want to know. What is Culver's rationale for proposing free tuition? Is it because he has failed in other areas of economic development and he thinks this will win people over? Not all of us just fell off a watermelon truck. We know lack of leadership, lack of imagination and most of all FAILURE when we see it.

    June 4, 2016 at 2:20 PM

    I would definitely like to know what he was thinking. I don't know who he was trying to impress but obviously no one seems to be interested in calling the County Council members and tell them to support his idea. It's a dumb idea that's what it is. This county can not afford to give anyone a free education, that is what the federal government is for and I have a problem with that also.

  160. Anonymous said...
    @ 10:47 - It is open knowledge what department heads make, perhaps it is time for Joe to request this information and post it on the website. I'm sure we'd be in for a shock, if the comments here are any indication!

    June 4, 2016 at 1:31 PM

    If it's "open knowledge" what department heads make then why are you asking Joe to get this information for you? You can certainly post everything you know and save Joe the effort, wouldn't you think??

  161. "The County Council will take the final vote on the budget June 7. Culver is hoping that, meantime, members receive so much community feedback from those in favor of the scholarship plan that they change their minds and restore funding."

    Hey Bob it looks to me like the County Council is getting plenty of feedback on this blog, but it doesn't seem like it is the same feedback you were hoping for. Sorry for your luck Pal!!

  162. Please publish ray hoy's salary.... enuf said

  163. ray hoy is making a dying gasp...wwcc is going down the tubes...he hires punks whose mommys and daddys have sent there preecius babies to grad school( no teaching degree)who can't teach anywhere else for the lowest dollar...the chickens are coming home to roost (fake) DR.HOY...lIKE BILL COSBY..BILL COSBY HAS THE SAME DEGEE HOY HAS...CLASSSY,HU????

  164. Barney Rubble..... This is Fred, Wilma and Betty said we could go bowling tonight

  165. Anonymous said...
    Bob - think you need to regroup buddy!

    June 4, 2016 at 6:30 PM

    That will never happen as long as he still has that drunk Wayne Strausburg working for him. He is an ignorant sarcastic bastard that has no respect for anyone. He needs to go!

  166. Anonymous said...
    5:28 if Culver doesn't know how things work by now without having Wayne hold his hand, he needs to just quit. What are the department heads for? They should be able to advise Culver. Ricky boy is the one who grew that office into more than was designed. Fineran and Lee-Brooks helped cost him re-election. Strausburg may cost Culver, if he doesn't do something before Wayne is vested. And, judging from the comments on this post, Culver has plenty of other problems too.

    June 4, 2016 at 6:43 PM

    He has a woman in his office that shouldn't be on the pay roll just because she helped him with his campaign. She also is an appointed official with the Liquor Control Board which is a conflict of interest.

  167. Anonymous said...
    ray hoy is making a dying gasp...wwcc is going down the tubes...he hires punks whose mommys and daddys have sent there preecius babies to grad school( no teaching degree)who can't teach anywhere else for the lowest dollar...the chickens are coming home to roost (fake) DR.HOY...lIKE BILL COSBY..BILL COSBY HAS THE SAME DEGEE HOY HAS...CLASSSY,HU????

    June 4, 2016 at 10:46 PM

    I agree, there are some people holding high ranking positions there that shouldn't be and they are high paying jobs that county tax payers pay for.

    This people in teaching positions are not credentialed to teach at all.

  168. Anonymous said...
    Disagree! Selected posts!

    June 5, 2016 at 12:53 AM

    It's the same person that someone is protecting.

  169. 2:03 Did you really just say "most stupidest". It is either most stupid or stupidest. It can't be both. What school did you attend?

    1. Wasn't wor wic but hopefully will be soon!! Go Bob!!


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