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Monday, June 20, 2016

The Unhinged Home that Raised Orlando Killer Omar Mateen

A mother accused of domestic abuse and described as “paranoid.” A father became a supporter of the Taliban. Parents who spent years in and out of courtrooms. That’s the family that gave rise to mass-murderer Omar Mateen, who killed 49 people in the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando last Sunday.

As investigators continue to search for a motive in the largest mass-shooting in U.S. history, they are focused intensely on the three years prior to the attacks, including the period when Mateen, who worked as a private security guard, was on a terrorism watch list.

But a portrait of the killer’s upbringing also is beginning to emerge, through snapshots of a childhood marked by domestic strife, struggles in school, and outbursts of violence, which may yield some insights about why Mateen embarked on his murderous rampage.

Mateen grew up in a house of four children, where he was the only boy. School records obtained by The Daily Beast show that the New York-born Mateen struggled in school and stayed in English for Speakers of Other Languages classes through middle school. As he grew older, the bad grades became supplemented with violent outbursts, including at least two instances in which Mateen hit another child. One teacher noted that Mateen “lacks remorse.” When the family moved school districts in the eighth grade, he was suspended for 25 days from his new school. In his freshman year of high school, he was even sent to another school after fighting a student.

More here


  1. How does someone on a terrorist watch list get a job at a private security firm? They don't check out their applicants very well, do they?

  2. And we allowed the parents into his country as refugees. Stop the refugees. Trump is 100% correct.

  3. I'm with Trump here. The law is already in place for over 80 years, but Hussein Oblama won't enforce it. He needs Dem voters to get Hitlery in.

  4. So he came from a normal american family. Big deal...no excuse. Plently of sucess stories came from worse . Its in the heart stupid. He was a HATER

  5. He did not come from a normal American family. They were American hating immigrants that should have never been here.

  6. So if he had been profiled as a violent student and put on a watch list maybe this would not have happen. Screw refugees and their rights 95% of them hate Americans, and we hate them so why come here. Please make it stop!


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