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Thursday, June 09, 2016

The race-driven San Diego La Raza Association is exactly what’s wrong with the legal system.

The GOP Establishment is in full flight.

No Abraham Lincolns here.

In a shameful haste to embrace identity politics, the latter the political descendant of slavery and segregation, Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have stunningly given thumbs up to a judge who has made no bones about injecting his ethnic heritage into his role as a lawyer and judge.

In a broadside against Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who presiding over the case against Trump University (a case in itself riddled with bad judicial decision-making as the judge has assigned the case to a notoriously Clinton-supporting law firm — more of which later this week), Trump has assailed the Indiana-born judge as “of Mexican heritage” who has “an inherent conflict of interest.”

The response from the Speaker? “It’s reasoning I don’t relate to. I completely disagree with the thinking behind that.”

Said McConnell: “I think it’s a big mistake for our party to write off Latino Americans.”

Hello? Speaker Ryan can’t relate to standing up to fight racism? Who, Senator McConnell, is writing off Latino Americans? And isn’t it time to get right with Lincoln and write off racism — aka in the 21st century, “identity politics”? Appallingly in the case of Ryan, his latest comments embracing out and out race-driven lawyering and judging comes only weeks after he said he stood for the “Party of Lincoln, Reagan, and Kemp.”

Well that didn’t last long. Somewhere Abe, Ronnie, and Jack are baffled as to why their defender has suddenly thrown them over the side to embrace the absolute worst of racial politics.

Over in the Wall Street Journal, our friends on the editorial board have written an entire editorial on the subject entitled:

Trump and the ‘Mexican’ Judge-- Why equating ethnicity with judicial bias is so offensive.

Well, yes, “equating ethnicity with judicial bias” is offensive. Yet the WSJ has not a solitary word revealing to readers that Judge Curiel has been actively associated with the racially-centric San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association — a group entirely devoted to “equating ethnicity with judicial bias.”



  1. Trump threatens their kickback special interest gravy train. That's the biggest reason why they're fighting. They don't like the fact he will not let them work their deals at the taxpayers' expense. There won't be a bunch of bailouts and hysterical deals centered around the identity politico. Ryan has really proven his incompetence. And to think he might have been VP is almost scary. He's horrifically inept. You can't be a globalist and a conservative at the same time. One is for the destruction of America; the other is not. Just whacked. Glad he's having a huge fight in Wisconsin to retain his bid for his congressional seat. Looking at the polls now, it doesn't look so hot for his re-election.

  2. If the judge belonged to the kkk wouldn't black people feel the same way?


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