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Monday, June 06, 2016

The Alpha Male the World Needs

More than two dozen Chinese-Americans for Trump “captains” met with the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee Friday morning at a private event next to the candidate’s Beverly Hills home.

“He was so thrilled to see us,” said Tian “Tian-Tian” Wang, the president and founder of the group devoted to the candidacy of Donald J. Trump.

“Him seeing us meant a lot to us,” he said. “We are so excited. We are going to go all the way. We are all in for Trump until he wins.”

Trump appeals to the Chinese-Americans because he was the first one to really criticize political correctness and he is a true Alpha-Male, he said.

“He’s the Alpha-Male the world wants,” he said.

“Mr. Trump hugged lot of people. He kissed a lot of people. He is like a Teddy Bear. He is a very warm person and you want to hug him,” he said.

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