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Thursday, June 09, 2016

Subject: FLASHBACK: Roger Clinton Took Cash to Ask Brother for Presidential Pardons

Roger Clinton received hundreds of thousands of dollars from felons during his brother Bill Clinton’s presidency to help them obtain presidential pardons, according to a congressional report released in 2002.

The House Government Reform Committee found during an investigation launched following the conclusion of the Clinton administration that the younger Clinton took “at least $335,000 in unexplained travelers checks” in exchange for speaking to his brother on behalf of individuals seeking pardons.

“With President Clinton’s encouragement, his half brother, Roger, collected hundreds of thousands of dollars to lobby on behalf of as many as 13 people seeking presidential pardons and other favors, a key congressional panel has found,” the Los Angeles Times reported in 2002.

The investigation was launched after then-committee chairman Rep. Dan Burton (R., Ind.) was notified that Clinton urged the pardon of felons such as Carlos Vignali Jr., who was in the midst of a 15-year prison sentence for getting caught trafficking 800 pounds of cocaine, according to a 2001 CNN report.

The Clinton administration did not deny that Roger Clinton asked for pardons but argued that the effort by Roger Clinton fell short of “lobbying” and that no money was exchanged.



  1. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 9, 2016 at 2:59 PM

    And I thought Hillary's brother Tony Rodham was bad, but this one is over the the top! Unbelievable! Oh, I forgot, we talking Clintons, where the amount and level of corruptions never cease to amaze us.
    And Sheeple keep on cheering, SMH

  2. Isn't this just par for the course with the Clintons. Selling access for personal gain, morality free zone. Morally bankrupt people what can you expect?

  3. Boy does that bring back unpleasant memories. Clinton years in DC weren't as fantastic as everyone would have you remember. Embarrassment having our President impeached for lying about getting sexual favors from his young interns at the White House. I'm sure there's many people who are just as disgusted with these two. Hillary was never a warm and fuzzy personality. She always was the frigid ice queen. Just a crazy family that hopefully will go away after this election is over.


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