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Thursday, June 09, 2016

South Moon Under moving headquarters from Eastern Shore to Annapolis

South Moon Under, a contemporary clothing chain that started out in 1968 as a humble surf shop in Ocean City, is moving its headquarters from the Eastern Shore to Annapolis this summer to prepare for a national expansion that includes hiring a team of designers to produce an in-house brand.

Michael Smith, CEO of the retailer now based in Berlin with 75 employees, said Wednesday the new headquarters will be located in 20,000 square feet of space at Annapolis Corporate Park, the 28-acre St. John Properties Inc. development off the Harry S. Truman Parkway near Riva Road.

The move will be complete in August.

A majority share of the retail chain was bought in April by Columbia-based JPB Capital Partners.

"We're running a $50 million a year business and doing the day to day work now, getting ready to really start ramping up the growth rate," Smith said, adding that revenue is expected to grow to at least $100 million over the next seven years.



  1. So there are no empty buildings on the Shore that they could occupy?

  2. Extremely overpriced clothes

  3. I'm sure there is plenty of empty space here on the shore they could occupy. Problem is they are looking to rapidly expand and grow which includes staff infrastructure. Much better talent pool to choose from across the bridge. Also no shorebillys.

  4. All they peddle is over priced crap anyway.

  5. Give me a break! Shorebilly's?? Really! Yea you are right much more liberal talent across the bridge! Why don't you move there!! I hope Trump wins and gets the PC mess straight!! All you people move to the shore and then in turn talk about us! Funny Sh&%! MOVE

  6. 10:55 if you knew what you were talking about it is not any better over the bridge.


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