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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Six Diseases Return To US as Migration Advocates Celebrate 'World Refugee Day'

Six diseases that were recently near eradication are making a comeback in the United States, as the taxpayer funded refugee resettlement industry launches a propaganda blitz about the so-called World Refugee Day this Monday.

The returning diseases are;

1. Tuberculosis
2. Measles
3. Whooping Cough
4. Mumps
5. Scarlet Fever
6. Bubonic Plague

The near eradication of these diseases in the United States during the twentieth century was a remarkable accomplishment of American civilization. Until recently, most Americans believed these diseases were gone from our shores for good.

But a politicized public health system, and a rise in the subsidized migration into the United States, however, have combined to reverse a century of progress.



  1. Bs fear mongering. Only ones who should be worried are the anti vaccine crowd

  2. Nobody in this country gets routinely inoculated against TB, Scarlet Fever or Bubonic Plague. Were they to become prevalent again, we'd be in a world of hurt.

  3. But YouTube told me that the Bubonic plague vaccine would turn me into one of the lizard people!

  4. Keep on letting those nasty buzzards in this country, and we'll be right back to all those diseases we thought were gone forever.

  5. Remember Ebola?


  6. We are truly going BACKWARDS in this country!
    I know there are many parents that don't believe in vaccinations, but as these diseases continue to spread they may see the error of their ways. At least, I pray they do.

  7. I used to work for one of the local slumlords. The foreigns would always bring fleas, roaches and bedbugs. The would contaminate the apartments around them with their filth and the landlord would put off treatment as long as they could. Just wait until bubonic plague comes back. It killed 1/3 of Europe, it will do worse here.


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