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Monday, June 27, 2016

Senate Majority Whip: Concealed Carry Permits ‘Could Well Be a Deterrent’ to Radical Islamic Terrorists

Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX) said Tuesday that American citizens with concealed handgun licenses “could well be a “deterrent” to radical Islamic terrorists.

The second ranking Republican in the Senate made the remark after CNSNews.com asked him: “Will curtailing the Second Amendment right of Americans to keep and bear arms protect this nation against radical Islamic terrorism?”

“If people come into a place where people have concealed handgun licenses and they’re in a position to defend themselves, it could well be a deterrent,” Cornyn replied during an interview on Capitol Hill.

Congressional Democrats have been pushing for stricter gun control in the wake of the Orlando shooting on June 12 that left 50 dead and dozens more injured.



  1. Dave T: The #1 deterrent against foreign invasion is not our military, it is our second amendment. Just listen to comments made by any foreign adversary.

  2. Another good thing to do to detour the terrorists is taking their dead bodies out and dumping it in a pig pen and let the pigs eat it, and crap it out!

  3. Thanks Captain Obvious.

  4. 1 permit for all states

  5. I never gave it much thought.

    You are saying that IF the perpetrator believes someone might be able to "shoot back" then he/she may NOT go through with the crime?

    Wow. That is really interesting.

    I never even gave it a second thought.

    All this time I've been thinking geez, we need to get everyone to turn over their guns. That way nobody could do anything bad to anyone ever again.

    But now you throw out this OTHER IDEA.
    If we arm ourselves, maybe nobody will mess with us?

    Ok. I thought it through.
    It is still better for all of the law abiding citizens to turn in their guns. That way if the government wants to go rogue and put all of us into a FEMA camp or something, nobody will be able to resist.

    Oh wait a minute. I just got another idea . . .

  6. 4:20, that one is called the 2nd Amendment, my friend!


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