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Monday, June 27, 2016

Self-driving cars may one day face decision of who to save, kill

(NEW YORK) — Would you get into an automated self-driving vehicle, knowing that in the event of an accident, it might sacrifice your life if it meant saving the lives of 10 other people?

Autonomous vehicles (AVs), also known as self-driving vehicles, are already a reality. Initial guidelines from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration regarding this technology are expected by this summer, and road tests are currently in progress across the country.

But one barrier to the widespread use of autonomous vehicles is deciding how to program these vehicles’ safety rules in the most socially acceptable and ethical way.

After a six-month survey, an international team of researchers published their findings Thursday in the journal Science and found the public has a conflicted view about the future of self-driving technology.



  1. There should be a manual override like in an airplane. If not, I don't see them as marketable. It's the same with riding mowers. If I can't mow in reverse, I refuse to buy it.

  2. ^Comparing a semi autonomous car to his lawnmower with R gear. Shore logic.

  3. I'm not getting into ANY self-driving vehicle, Period.

  4. Now we need a self shooting gun. Then the liberal idiots will be right when they say, "gun violence was the cause of the mass shooting".

  5. 2:55, can I marry you? I hope you're a woman! LOL!


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