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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Salisbury News Exclusive: Wor Wic, The HIGHEST Grades You'll Ever See From A Community College

While the Wicomico County Council wrestles with how much money to give to WOR WIC Community College for their free tuition, little is known or being said about just what the money will be used for. 

In a news cast Thursday evening on WBOC TV, (the group that is planning to open the cannabis, (pot) growing operation on the west side of Wicomico County) announced that they were working closely with Wor Wic Community College. There should be a lot of questions asked about this project. 

Will Wor Wic be starting a course to teach students on how to cultivate the mighty weed? Will there be a course offered on the financial aspects of how to get around the federal banking laws? After all it is still against federal law for banks to do business with cannabis growers forcing the growers to deal with mostly cash. 

Although the Feds do not actively go after banks that do, many banks are reluctant participate for more reasons than one. Banks are not just worried about prosecution but also reputation, risk and increased regulatory scrutiny. 

If the cannabis growers want to help fund this project, will they show up with a bag of cash? This should raise a lot of concern for the Wicomico County Council. Wicomico County already funds WOR WIC almost $4.5 million dollars a year. 

The new tuition plan will drive up full time enrollment which will in turn drive up the counties contribution responsibilities. Sort of a vicious circle. 

Should Wicomico County taxpayers be saddled with the additional burden of funding a free college tuition, especially one of such questionable ethics. Connect the dots.


  1. So, Johnny gets a free ride through college to learn how to grow and sell pot for cash thereby avoiding any taxable accounting methods?


    I'm signing my son up right away!

  2. Free educations for junkies, dealers and pot growers at the taxpayers' expense? Am I reading this right?

    Our country has become a third world pit with this type of legislation and taxpayer abuse. I guess you can gather what my answer is to this.

  3. thats so you can work for the entity that got the rights. total BS!

  4. NO! Tax payers should not be footing anymore of the cost of college tuition. I've been against it all along. There are no jobs morons who are all jazzed up over this. More democrat lies telling the incredibly dumbed down masses that all your troubles will be over with a college degree. This is a lie a big lie. Only for a small group of people will their troubles be over. Some of the "degrees" offered nowadays are disgusting. African American studies. Sports Management. Music Promotion. Game Art. Each and ever single one of these majors and many more are going to get you nothing. Not a thing.

  5. And let's not forget, Wor Wic is asking for a little over $3M in Capital Funds.
    Joe, dig further. Find out how much of our tax dollars goes to sending current county employees to Wor Wic to further their education and get their degree on our dime.

  6. That's not how this works that's not how any of this works. Partnerships With Private legal Industry! whats the problem? Feds needs to get out of the way on this and legalize. The industry is here like it or not.

  7. Who the hell do they think they are.


  8. I'm a old timer and just now have figured out why we are "The Free World"

    I always thought it was because we are free. But now that we are not free from government, it must mean free this, that, ant the other for all.

    Never thought it would come to this, after working hard beginning with my youth and still trying my best.

  9. Why don't they, instead, expand their nursing program so that they can train local people for local jobs?

  10. Call the council office to tell them you are against this, the number is 410 548 4696

  11. As a former WorWic instructor
    you can tell the students who go for free and the ones paying for it

    the work ethic is night and day different

  12. Perhaps they can team up with UMES

    Mar 03, 2016
    PRINCESS ANNE, Md. —The University of Maryland-Eastern Shore is teaming up with a company that wants a license to grow medical marijuana.


  13. As someone who doesn't use marijuana but realizes it's benefits, lets take a look at the economies in places where cannabis has been legalized at the state level. It dumps an immense amount of tax dollars back into the community which can be used for schools and other public programs. Roads suck? Why yes, they do, especially here in Salisbury. Why not have some extra tax money to fix them. The biggest misconception is that this will turn the town into a drug haven. Trust me, those who like smoking pot are already doing it illegally, why not tax it and reap the benefits? Oh right, because it was classified as a schedule 1 drug by the gov't. Worse than cocaine! THC is a naturally derived compound that would topple the pharmaceutical industry. That is why it's illegal. Lobbyists are dumping millions probably billions into keeping the cannabis industry contained.

    We use plant derived drugs everyday without realizing it. Aspirin for one. Opiates as well. Speaking of opiates, lets look at the correlation between over-prescribed opiates and heroin abuse. Who are we to tell someone that they cannot use THC based treatments for their ailments (and I'm talking tumors, anxiety etc. not just the "oh my back hurts let me score that weed card") because pot is the devil to some of you. I understand people don't like change here. But you have to realize it's lobbied against because of the $$$. Alcohol is exponentially more dangerous and toxic to a community.

  14. I would rather foot the bill for college tuition than for all the welfare train riders anyday.

  15. 10:03, Are you Matt Holloway?

    Nevertheless, let me ask you this.

    How about Lottery?

    How about Keno?

    How about Slots?

    How are THEY working for you?????

    While the county taxpayers foot at least 50% of their taxes towards schools, shouldn't we be getting a 50% refund from the state and county based on those (LIES) promises from our elected officials who sold the taxpayers a load of BS that we would all see relief.

    We've been sold THREE TIMES with the same BS you just spewed.

  16. 10:15 - you already pay for many welfare train riders to get free tuition, just an fyi

  17. Who gives a crap... who are you people to tell others what or when someone can put whatever they want into their bodies? Aren't you the same people who complain on here daily about how you are forced to pay for someone else's stuff? What is the difference????

    Just because something is legalized doesn't mean everyone will start to do it... If weed was 100% federally legalized, those of you who don't smoke weed, are you going to start smoking weed? The answer is NO more than likely you won't, so why the hell do you assume others will???

    I want weed legalized so cops can't use that carte Blanche, when all else fails tactic, I smell weed!!!! This would help stop raids, and the wrong people dying because cops are to stupid to know which house they are raiding... This will also help civil forfeiture, that cops use to fund their fun toys with, that are not needed...

    Also, if you clowns did any research, there are plenty of benefits that weed can give, but none of you clowns even give two craps to look into that... What is the difference between drinking and smoking cigarettes versus weed? NOTHING except the govt knows it can make money by you being locked up than not...

  18. But Joe, the lottery was for the children?????

  19. Corporations and colleges have long enjoyed beneficial relationships. This isn't an alliance with El Chapo. It is an alliance with a legal entity in a burgeoning field. You let your distaste for cannibas cloud your judgement. For example, there are vegetarians opposed to Perdue's relationship with SU.

  20. Pandering to the uninformed masses. The ignorant keep on chanting about the tax dollars this will bring. The ignorance is astounding. Absolutely astounding. It's like the speed cameras. The only ones who benefit are the camera vendors. Period. The cameras have created a government bureaucracy that is funded by tax payers money. The money going back to the counties is just a portion of the money the county tax payers are paying.
    Just like the pot industry. 10:03 you are ignorant to the real world and how it works. An absolute ignoramus! Any tax money you claim that will be generated is just an illusion and it's ignoramuses like 10:03 who keeps this crap going. And yes let's looks at the "economics!" Yes we certainly will so we can educate those like 10:03 who pathetically ill informed! Colorado has gone to hell! Do you understand! Hell. The welfare rolls have exploded. The crime has exploded because of the cartels coming in and undercutting the prices. This has caused the budgets of law enforcement to increase. Yes it might be bringing in some money but that money is going out 5 fold to the government agencies created to oversee this and to agencies like LE and social services. Wise the hell up 10:03 and start looking at the big picture! The funny thing is 10:03 probably thinks they are "educated." This is the perfect example of who thinks they are smart and saying something sensible.

  21. Everyone should be able to grow any natural plant they want in any quantity on their own property for their own use.

    There, that makes it legal and leaves the police, IRS, the colleges, and the real estate tycoons out of the picture! No more fines, taxes or subsidies.

    Just Freedom!

  22. 10:39 am We already have an alliance with Wor Wic as some of my tax dollars goes to them in the for of $4.5M.

  23. Wor wic has been a joke. Nevet would i send me kids there. Then there are ill orepared when they transfer to other institutions. Totally high school extended. Less rigor, multiple attempts allowsed, bonus points given. Get real and saddle up for real college.

    1. Oh the irony is this message...

  24. Wow, If you people don't like it or don't like paying for it MOVE AWAY. It's simple.

  25. Here's the thing....the "weed" industry is coming like it or not....thank Colorado for that. IF they are going to be aloud to open facilities then they should put dollars back into those counties...call it "tax dollars or contribution dollars" I don't care. Education wise, HORTICULTURE classes are taught everywhere in almost all schools across the U.S. It won't be a class just for "weed" growing and selling....let's get our heads out of the sand and figure out a way that these "businesses" offset the increase in cost in infrastructure (police, court, roads, education, etc.) to the communities where they operate.

  26. @10:55
    Thats a whole lotta negativity you got pent up inside. I think you NEED to smoke a doob and relax a little bit.


  27. Students who apply themselves in HS can attend Wor-Wic and use those habits to their benefit in either a transfer or certificate scenario.

    Wor-Wic accepts all HS graduates and GED holders but a very high percentage of them require remedial courses before they can begin actual college level classes.

    The actual benefit of more free County provided tuition to those with 12 or more years of undistinguished performance is unclear.

    Good HS grades plus good SAT scores plus using all possible other funding...I could endorse that idea as a starting point. If successful gradually enlarge it.

    The ugly statistic is that large numbers of students enroll in 2 and 4 year schools and are home by Halloween or Christmas. Very few get refunds but the loans must still be paid.

  28. I feel that perhaps something medically has happened to Bob Culver, because he certainly isn't going for the things he said he was when he campaigned.

  29. My tax dollars should not pay for this. Wor wics tuition is not much and studwnts should be eligible for loans. This gives them some "skin in the game" and some incentive to graduate quickly or on time, in a field where they can get a job and earn sufficient money to pay back their debts. If the county pays for this, where is the incentive for anyone to excel? If this is approved, what happens to the composition of Wor Wics classes? Will they have to reduce their already low standards???

  30. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!

  31. Don't be an ignoramus 11:24. It's not that "simple" for most people to just up and move away. Use your head why don't' you before making asinine comments. Better yet just go away. Dopes like yourself serve NO useful purpose to anyone and I mean anyone including any spawn you may have spit out. With an idiot "parent" like yourself any kid you might have is doomed.

  32. "Anonymous said...

    Thats a whole lotta negativity you got pent up inside. I think you NEED to smoke a doob and relax a little bit.

    June 20, 2016 at 11:28 AM"

    Nope not "negativity" at all. Just trying to teach you low IQ imbeciles how it works in the REAL world. Listen to me and everyone would be a whole lot better off. .

  33. 10:29 - I do the research and I look at people I know who have chronically smoked pot. If you think pot is less dangerous then you my friend are the clown. I am not advocating for any of these chemicals legal or illegal, but take the pot is not that bad crap and shove it up your $$$. People with their pot have their head in a cloud!!

  34. Educate yourselves people! Don't you realize that education is tied to economic development? Who would locate a business here without a skilled workforce and why? Do the research on how many job openings go unfilled (yes even in our area) due to lack of skills training. Financial aid is a combination of loans, grants, etc. and it is based on demonstrated need. I think it's wrong to allow the author of this article to associate the Wor-Wic's value to the region and the proposed scholarship initiative to a pot growing class. Wor-Wic and community colleges across the nation have a role in training for the skills their regions require. If you want to research--research how many nurses, police, or correctional officers Wor-Wic trains each year and then research the per capita income of the three counties Wor-Wic serves compared to the entire state.

  35. 1:42 Do you really want to go toe to toe with me? Name the category....education, wealth, property ownership, businesses owned or $ contributed to charities?

    This blog is full of people that complain about any and everything but do nothing to change it.

    I know several multi-millionaires that left bad situations with a few dollars and the clothes on their back. They worked hard and persevered.

    Stop being a victim and man up or shut up!

  36. Wow I used to sell pot without a degree, now I can really be proud.

  37. I do think this is a bad idea for Wor-Wic they should extend their medical field studies. My daughter graduated from this college it was great then transferred to UMES, and no she didn't have to pay a dime. Her father left us and I did not have the money to send her to college. We will forever be greatful to taxpayers and the colleges.

  38. All this bickering over a weed that could grow in your back yard to cool your minds! Everybody, please re- read my comment at 11:12 am and think for a minute. It settles EVERY argument brought up so far in comments.

    No taxpayer money spent
    No free ride in College
    No Cartel competition
    No police action required
    No lawyers involved to pay for (sorry, guys!)
    No extra taxes to pay, collect, or redistribute
    No landlords on the government take
    No fines to pay.

    Freedom to smoke or not.

  39. But, 4:30, your backyard gets raided by people who want to steal your plants.

  40. 9:13, those people have 40 plants in their own back yards! They already have all they can smoke; why would they go to the effort to cross the street and steal when they are already overloaded with their own crop? Are you high?

    Tell me that, I'll be waiting...

  41. I agree with legalization. That being said the same politicians whos laws are getting dealers and cultivators thrown in prison are setting themselves up to profit from it. I don't think that the county should touch this. If its legal make it legal and be done with it, but they want to monopolize it and now apparently they want to funnel off your tax dollars for it too.


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