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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Salisbury Man Sentenced to 18 Years

State of Maryland v. Philip Daniel Thomas K-16-031

On June, 15, 2016, Philip Daniel Thomas, age 32, of Salisbury, Maryland, was found guilty by a jury of kidnapping and assaulting a woman he met for a date on the evening of December 19, 2015. After the trial, a circuit court judge sentenced Thomas to eighteen (18) years in the custody of the Division of Corrections.

On December 19, 2015, just after midnight, officers from the Maryland State Police stopped the defendant for performing an illegal U-turn on Nanticoke Road after the defendant’s vehicle nearly collided with the officer’s patrol car. The troopers believed Thomas to be operating his vehicle under the influence of alcohol, so he was asked to perform field sobriety tests. During the course of the field sobriety tests, a female wearing tattered and blood-stained clothing limped towards the officer’s flashing police lights.

The investigation revealed that after their date had concluded, Thomas forced the 33 year-old victim into the car he was driving. He then detained the victim against her will inside the vehicle by driving at a high rate of speed southbound on Nanticoke Road toward Bivalve. The victim’s emotional testimony at trial detailed her horrifying ride on Nanticoke Road as the defendant threatened that he was going to kill the victim and hide her body. The victim, facing a desperate decision, jumped from the moving vehicle which was travelling at approximately 50 m.p.h. in order to escape her kidnapper.

After she jumped from the vehicle, Thomas made the erratic and illegal U-turn which caught the attention of the Maryland State Police trooper travelling north on Nanticoke Road toward Salisbury.

State’s Attorney, Matthew A. Maciarello, commends the Maryland State Police including Trooper Travis Workman (the astute Trooper who made the traffic stop) and Trooper William Shelter who assisted the victim once she was discovered. Maciarello commented: “This case is a prime example of how traffic enforcement often leads to the apprehension of violent felons. In this case, an astute Maryland State Trooper surely saved a life. I am so thankful for their continued service to our community.”

This case was prosecuted by Senior Assistant State’s Attorney, Richard Brueckner.

Matthew A. Maciarello
State's Attorney
Wicomico County State's Attorney's Office
309 E. Main Street
P.O. Box 1006
Salisbury, MD 21803-1006
P: 410.548.4880
F: 410.860.2425


  1. Should have gotten the death penalty. Perhaps he still will.

  2. 1:07PM
    I hear ya. If this had been my daughter or grand-daughter he would get the death penalty, he just wouldn't know the date.

  3. Why don't they shave that crap off their heads and faces anymore?

  4. Death penalty for what? Y'all sound stupid.18 yrs is to damn much.

    1. You sound really ignorant! Must be a friend or family member? When someone does this to you, your family member or close friend then say it's too much...

    2. What if it was your daughter???

    3. So if this had been your mother that he planned to kill, would 18 years still have been too much? You sound ignorant as hell.

  5. 18 years to much? This female could of lost her life and has to deal with the aftermath of it every day. Let somebody do that to you and then say 18 years is too much. Smh

  6. 452 u are an idiot.. he was gonna kill her. And thats ok?

  7. Remember when kidnapping was a capital crime?

  8. He will get his don't worry 18years around all men he better cut that hair lol

  9. He was on his way back to prison anyway even if he didn't commit this senseless crime.... alot of the dudes around here on the shore that are released from a prison sentence come home with a bravado and run these streets as if their untouchable..this dude lived reckless just like many in Salisbury and beyond they don't think of consequences until it happens ...Black White Mexican or whatever they all fall trying to live the so-called thug life ... he was a clown and thats what these chicks fall for and thats how she ended in the peachy situation ....thug life baby !!! Lol

  10. That's way to much time

    1. That's not too much time. He just came home from prison only to do something dumb enough to go back. Some people just don't care about life.

  11. This whole systems stinks including this racist States Attorney. This Man gets 18 yrs for an adductions White man gets 10 yrs for Murdering his uncle and now lets see what the White man gets for almost severing the mans arm in Fruitland.

  12. BLM lol If it was my child there would be one thug dead. I would kill him for free. I just don't like his look. I view thugs just like I do Muslims. Kill em all big and small.

  13. He'll be out in 7.

  14. He'll be filing for an outgoing Obama pardon.

  15. God had her cover even when she jump it was right timing....for those troopers to be out there!!!she could had kill herself from the jump but look how good God is thank you Jesus it wasn't her time to go.....God was with her

  16. Too lenient a sentence. He will be out in less than 10 years. 35 years would be more appropriate.

  17. Did the TRooper give her a ticket for walking on the highway ? Just asking.

  18. That's not enough time for that.She made a bold and desperate move he'll do his back up time from previous parole and probation plus violent crimes are 85% of your time now hopefully when he goes back for the VOP the judge runs it consecutive meaning do the time from this charge then start back to 0 again and do the vop violation.It is to many women out here to get a nut from.He won't get paroled believe that.

  19. Omg this is the same man that threatened me and had me scared of him wow


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